Indian Army Agniveer Technical Exam Syllabus 2025 अग्निवीर टेक्निकल परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम 2025

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Indian Army Agniveer Technical Exam Syllabus 2025: New Exam Syllabus for Agniveer Soldier Tsechnical  for Common Entrance Exam CEE, अग्निवीर टेक्निकल लिखित परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम। Exam Pattern for agniveer technical candidates are as under:-


Exam Pattern Agniveer Technical

Subjects coveredPercentage of Marks Each Subjects
General Knowledge(GK)
सामान्य ज्ञान
भौतिक विज्ञान
रसायन विज्ञान
Qualifying Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders who have participated in Republic Day ParadeExempted

अग्निवीर टेक्निकल परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम 2025 

CEE: Common Entrance Examination(CEE)  for Sol Tech is of maximum 100 Marks comprising of 50 Objective Type Questions from General Knowledge, Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics. Candidates of Sol Tech Category need to score minimum 40% to pass the exam. Exam Pattern for Soldier Tech Trade is as under:-

Indian Army Agniveer Technical Recruitment Eligibility Criteria Exam Syllabus & Pattern 

Agniveer Technical, Aviation Trade (Avn), Ammunition Examiner (Amn) Exam Pattern appended below:-

Agniveer Technical Trade Exam Pattern
Subjects Covered in ExamNumber of QuestionsMarksQualifying Marks
General Knowledge & Reasoning 1040
Maths156080 Marks
Chemistry 1040
Agniveer Tech Complete Syllabus Check Here


Abbreviations (संक्षिप्त नाम, लघुरूप): National and International  (राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय). जैसे – UNO, United Nations Organisation का Abbreviation है or ‘Goods and Services Tax’  का संक्षिप्त नाम GST है.

Sports(खेल): National and International (राष्ट्रीय एवं अंतर्राष्ट्रीय). खेल कूद सम्बंधित पूछे जाने वाले मत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न के लिए – Click Here

Awards and Prizes (पुरस्कार एवं इनाम): National awards,  Gallantry awards, Nobel Prizes (राष्ट्रीय पुरस्कार, वीरता पुरस्कार, नोबेल पुरस्कार).

History(इतिहास) in Soldier Tech Syllabus: Important dates & battles in Indian and World History and land marks of Indian History, national movement. भारतीय एवं विश्व इतिहास के महत्वपूर्ण युद्ध तथा तिथियां, भारतीय इतिहास के मुख्य केंद्र बिंदु एवं राष्ट्रीय आंदोलन। भारतीय इतिहास एवं संस्कृति के 101 महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न – Click here

Geography भूगोल: Solar System Space exploration, The earth principal peaks, Deserts, Rivers, Lakes and famous waterfalls,   Geographical Tallest, Biggest and Longest  etc. सौर प्रणाली अंतरिक्ष  अन्वेषण, पृथ्वी की प्रमुख चोटियों, रेगिस्तान, नदियां, झीलें, एवं प्रसिद्द झरने,  भौगोलिक द्रिष्टि से सबसे ऊँचा, सबसे बड़ा एवं सबसे लंबा आदि।

Terminology शब्दावली:  Geographical terms, Economic terms, Astronomical terms, Legal terms and Misc terms.

United Nations Organisation (UNO) संयुक्त राष्ट्र संगठन: Indian Armed Forces, Indian Towns, States and Uts, Institutions and Research Stations, International space Stations and Festivals of India and World, Indian News Agencies and Dailies, Continents  and Sub Continents, Inventions and Discoveries, Environment, The Constitution of India, Religious communities and Principal  Languages, National and International Days, International Organizations, Books and Authors The world of Plants and animals and Current Affairs and “Who’s Who”.

Note: The above syllabus is not a comprehensive list of topics  pertaining to the subject. At times questions may be asked other  than the above topics but definitely within the syllabus of CBSE.

नोट: उपरोक्त पाठ्यक्रम इस विषय से संबंधित विषयों की एक व्यापक सूची नहीं है। कभी-कभी प्रश्नों के ऊपर दिए गए विषयों के अलावा अन्य प्रश्न पूंछे जा सकते है लेकिन वे प्रश्न निश्चित रूप से सीबीएसई के पाठ्यक्रम के अंतर्गत होंगे। Know How to Apply for Tdn 19 Trades/Categories


Motion, Force and Energy (मोशन, बल और ऊर्जा) 

Matter:  Physical measurements, scalar and vector quantities.  Simple machines, structure of matter.

Motion: Motion and displacement , uniform and non-uniform  motion, speed and velocity, acceleration, equations of motion- derivation and simple numerical.

Force: Meaning of force, inertia of a body, Newton’s laws of motion, momentum, relationship between forces, acceleration and mass of an object-simple numerical based on these.

Gravitation: Newton’s law of gravitation, free-fall and acceleration  due to gravity, simple pendulum and restoring force,  relationship between length and time period.

Work and Energy Energy, mechanical energy, potential and kinetic, their formulae, concept of work, work done by a constant force, relation between work and energy, simple numerical on work  and energy.

Light: Reflection, law of reflection, refraction, law of refraction, refraction through prisms, lenses and optical instruments, simple  and compound microscope.

Heat: Heat as a form of energy, mechanical work and heat, heat  and temperature, measurement of temperature, idea of Celsius and  Fahrenheit scales and their conversion, specific heat, simple  numerical based on it. Idea of conversion of heat into work and  viceversa, meaning of mechanical equivalent of heat – its  determination by Joule’s experiment. External and internal  combustion engine.

Electricity: A source of energy, conductors and resistors,  measurement of current, potential difference and resistance –  Ohm’s law, simple numerical based on it. heating effect of current,  quantitative relationship between heat, electric current, resistance  of common electrical appliances based on heating effect, measurement of electrical energy, its unit, electrical power, simple  numerical.

Magnetism: Type of magnet, properties of magnet, magnetic field, electromagnet and their applications, DC & AC motors. Fleming ‘s  left hand rule.

Sound: Sound and its property, propagation of sound, velocity,  resonance, wave motion and applications.

Wave Motion: Nature of a wave, propagation of a wave through a  medium, types of waves – longitudinal and transverse, periodic  motion, idea of simple harmonic motion (graphical treatment).  Definitions of displacement, amplitude, frequency, time period,  wave length and their units, relationship between wavelength, frequency and velocity of a wave, simple numerical, energy transferred during propagation of waves.

Domestic electric circuit: Elementary ideas about wiring, fuse,  possible hazards and safety measures.

Sun as a Source of energy:  Absorption of solar energy by the  earth, photosynthesis, solar heaters, solar cells, wind energy, wind  mills; electricity from sea waves.

Fuels: Bio mass as a fuel-biogas, fossil fuels-coal, types of coal;  petroleum, fractional distillation of petroleum, L.P.G, natural gas,  classification of fuels –solid, liquid and gaseous fuels, characteristics  of fuel-calorific value of fuels and its determination,  ignition temperature, combustion of fuels, combustion of food in  living organisms; characteristics of an ideal fuel.

Heat engines: Idea of conversion of heat into work and vice-versa,  meaning of mechanical equivalent of heat – its  determination by joule’s experiment (simple numerical based on  work and energy conversion). External combustion engine (basic  idea), working of internal combustion engines.

Nuclear Energy: Sources of the Sun’s energy, composition of   sunlight; basic idea of atomic nucleus, nuclear fusion, nuclear fission, chain reaction, energy released during fission, examples of  uncontrolled fission and fusion, simple idea of nuclear reactor and   atomic power plant. Radiation hazards. Energy crisis –causes and  possible solution for overcoming it.

Note: The above syllabus is not a comprehensive list of topics  pertaining to the subject. At times questions may be asked other  than the above topics but definitely within the syllabus of CBSE.


Matter-Nature and Behaviour (पदार्थ-प्रकृति एवं गतिबिधियाँ)

Nature and behaviour: Different types of substances, elements, compounds and their mixtures, Structure of matter. Atomic theory, molecules and atoms; Structure of atomelectrons, protons and neutrons, Composition of nucleus – atomic number and mass number, Valence electrons and valency.

  • Preparation and properties of Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Carbon-di-oxide.
  • Oxidation and Reduction, Acid, bases and salts.

Electrochemical cell Construction of a simple voltaic cell;   working of an electrochemical cell; lead storage battery and dry cell.

Classification of elements: Similarities and dissimilarities in  the  properties of some elements. Periodic law, periods and groups,   gradation of properties of elements along a period and in the groups.

Carbon and its compounds: Introduction, allotropies of carbon  and their occurrence, structure, related property and uses. Hydrocarbon and their elementary structure, related property and  uses, simple compounds of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and their    uses. Petroleum products, introductory account of synthetic fibres,   plastics, rubber, soaps and detergents.

Extraction of metals: Metals and non-metals; occurrence,   general metallurgical operations for extraction of pure metal,   properties of metals and some alloys, uses of metals and non-  metals, their compounds.

Chemical bond: Formation of ionic and covalent bonds,  important properties of electrovalent and covalent compounds.

Electrolysis: Movement of ions during electrolysis; relationship   between current, time and amount of metal deposited during   electrolysis; electroplating.

Natural Resources – प्राकृतिक संसाधन

Water: Water as a natural resources, origin of life in water as   medium for the activity of the living, water as solvent, saturated  and  unsaturated solution, sea water as habitat of organism, salts   from oceans, ocean current, use of water Dependence of man on   natural resources – minerals from earth metals and non-metals, use of non metals.

Air: Role of atmosphere in protection from radiation, composition   of atmosphere, water and particulate matter in atmosphere, carbon   dioxide and its adverse effect on living organisms, role of trees,   release of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels and automobiles,  corrosion of metals, damage of historical monuments   from acidic gases, toxic effects of metallic particles, asbestos etc on   living organisms carbon monoxide and its ill effects, smog, air   pollution noise pollution and its effects on human beings.


Arithmetic अंकगणित: Natural numbers, integers, fractions,  rational/irrational numbers, decimal fractions, HCF & LCM, square  root, ratio and proportion, percentages, averages, profit & loss,   simple and compound interest.

Algebra बीजगणित: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and   division of algebraic expressions, HCF & LCM, factorization, simple  equations, surds, indices, logarithms, Solution of linear  equations of two and three variables. Ratio and proportion meaning  and  standard form, roots and discriminate of a quadratic equation  ax2 + bx + c = 0;

Calculus:  Elementary and basic problems of different and integral   calcus (समाकलन गणित). Basic concept of continuity,

Mensuration क्षेत्रमिति

Area and Volume Area of four walls of a room, area of a circle,  sector and segment of a circle; surface area and volume of cube,   cuboids cone, cylinder, sphere.

Trigonometry त्रिकोणमिति: Trigonometric ratios of an angle A of a  right angle triangle, Simple applications of trigonometric ratios for   solving problems of different types, Simple identities based   upon the above.

Heights and Distances: Solution of simple problems of height  and distance using trigonometrically tables and logarithmic tables.

Geometry रेखागणित (ज्यामिति)

Lines and Angles: Different characteristics of lines and angles,   parallel and perpendicular lines, inserting lines, some of angles and  triangles, interior and exterior angles. Triangles-properties, quality,  congruency and similarity with respect to sides and angles.  Parallelogram-types and properties. Circles – Properties, arc,    chords, tangents, secants and angles subtended by arcs.

Parallelogram चतुर्भुज Types and properties.

Circles वृत्त:  Arcs, chords, tangents, secants and angles subtended by arcs.

Statistics सांख्यिकीHistograms with given intervals, classification  of data, frequency, frequency polygons, ogives. Mean, median and   mode of grouped and ungrouped data, problems related to statistical techniques.

Probability संभावना Basic problems related to probability.


  • Introduction to computers, role and use of computers in modern society,
  • Hardware and software aspects of computers,
  • Knowledge of applications and languages,
  • Flow chart and solutions of problems through problem algorithm. Click For Sol GD Selection Process

नोट: उपरोक्त पाठ्यक्रम इस विषय से संबंधित विषयों की एक व्यापक सूची नहीं है। कभी-कभी प्रश्नों के ऊपर दिए गए विषयों के अलावा अन्य प्रश्न पूंछे जा सकते है लेकिन वे प्रश्न निश्चित रूप से सीबीएसई के पाठ्यक्रम के अंतर्गत होंगे।

Agniveer Technical Recruitment Bonus Marks

Type of Bonus Marks Indian Army Technical Category RecruitmentAdditional Bonus Marks for Technical Category
Bonus Marks for Technical ITI/ Diploma holders candidates will be as under :-
10th pass with two years course at ITI20 Marks
10th pass with two or three years Diploma 30 Marks
12th Pass with one year course at ITI30 Marks
12th Pass with Two year course at ITI40 Marks
12th Pass and diploma holders50 Marks
Son of Servicemen, Son of Ex Servicemen, Son of War Widow, Son of Widow and adopted sons20 Marks
Additional Bonus Marks for Sportsmen Technical
Inter National Level Sportsmen, Represented India at the International 20 Marks
Represented State at the Senior / Junior National level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto eighth position in Team event15 Marks
Represented College / University in Inter University Championship and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up to sixth position in the Team event
10 Marks
Represented State at National Level in "Khelo India Games" and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up-to sixth position in the Team event.10 Marks
Represented Dist at the State Level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up-to fourth position in the Team event.05 Marks
Represented the State school team in the events org by All India School Games Federation and have won any medal in individual event or up-to Sixth position in the Team event
05 Marks
Additional Bonus Marks for NCC Technical Candidates
NCC "A" Certificate Bonus Marks05 Marks
NCC "B" Certificate Bonus Marks10 Marks
NCC "C" Certificate Bonus Marks15 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate and candidate participated in Republic Day Parade 20 Marks

Indian Army Technical Recruitment Rally Program

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58 गोरखा ट्रेनिंग सेण्टर आर्मी रैली 2024 Click Here
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आर्मी एयर डिफेंस आर्मी भर्ती Click Here
1 सिग्नल ट्रेनिंग सेण्टर जबलपुर आर्मी भर्ती Click Here
2 सिग्नल ट्रेनिंग सेण्टर गोवा आर्मी भर्ती Click Here
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गार्ड रेजिमेंट आर्मी रैली भर्ती Click Here
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राजपूताना राइफल्स दिल्ली आर्मी रैली भर्तीClick Here
महार रेजिमेंट सागर आर्मी भर्ती Click Here
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  1. Ram
    • S. N. Yadav
  2. p Kumar
  3. Khargeswar newar
  4. M narute
  5. Harshdeep Ghuge
    • S. N. Yadav
  6. Chandrapratap Singh parmar
  7. Chandrapratap Singh parmar
    • S. N. Yadav
  8. Anonymous
  9. S Bishnoi
    • S. N. Yadav
  10. Muntazir ahmad mattoo
  11. gorakh ashok saindre
    • S. N. Yadav
  12. TEJPAL Gurjar
  13. sumit sharma
    • S. N. Yadav
  14. Anonymous
    • S. N. Yadav
  15. vikash kumar
    • S. N. Yadav
  16. Shivaraju m n
    • S. N. Yadav
  17. arun
    • S. N. Yadav
      • arun
        • S. N. Yadav
      • arun
        • S. N. Yadav
  18. Anonymous
  19. Rao sahab
    • S. N. Yadav
  20. Anonymous
    • S. N. Yadav
  21. Anonymous
    • S. N. Yadav
      • Krutik shashikant thale
        • S. N. Yadav
          • Krutik shashikant thale
  22. Krutik shashikant thale
  23. Krutik shashikant thale
    • S. N. Yadav
  24. Anonymous
  25. Vikas Awate
    • S. N. Yadav
  26. sanju dhakad
    • S. N. Yadav
  27. Sanju dhakad
    • S. N. Yadav
  28. mithilesh kumar
    • S. N. Yadav
  29. Suryawanshi Ganesh
    • S. N. Yadav
  30. Sumit Singh rajput
    • S. N. Yadav
  31. Ashit kumar
    • S. N. Yadav
  32. Vijay kumar
    • S. N. Yadav
  33. Ahammad Reja
    • S. N. Yadav
  34. Hemant Chauhan
    • S. N. Yadav
  35. Anonymous
  36. Vinod
    • S. N. Yadav
  37. Anil kumar
  38. Anonymous
  39. Anonymous
  40. Shiv kumar
  41. Somnath Ghosh
    • S. N. Yadav
  42. Jaiswal Harsh Mahendra
    • S. N. Yadav
      • S. N. Yadav
  43. Ajay Mech
    • S. N. Yadav
  44. Deepak Kumar Jena
  45. मोहित कुमार
  46. मोहित कुमार
  47. Saikat dutta
  48. Rahul Kumar
  49. Nayan

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