1. MAHAR Regiment Center Relation Bharti and Sportsman Bharti 2024: MAHAR Regimental Center, Saugor, MP conducting army open recruitment rally under UHQ Quota for recruitment of in the MAHAR Regt for son/brother of Servicemen and ex-servicemen and outstanding sportsmen in open category.
Mahar Center Saugor Relation Bharti 2024
Mahar Regt Relation & Sports Army Bharti Program 2024: UHQ Quota Open Recruitment Rally for Sportsmen and relation recruitment rally will be conducted at Mahar Regt Centre Saugor from 2024.
Date of UHQ Quota Rally Mahar Regiment Sagar | Rally Schedule Events |
05 May 2024 | Registration Date |
30 Jun 2024 | Last Date for Apply |
08 July to 12 July 2024 | Rally Date |
08 Sept 2024 | Examination Date |
Rally Place | Mahar Regimental Centre Saugor MP |
Trade | Agniveer GD, Clerk, Tradesmen & Sportsmen |
Type of Recruitment | Relation and Open rally for sportsmen |
Mahar Regt Center Helpline No | 8871180305 and 8871686608 |
18/09/2024 | Declaration Final Result (Tentative) |
All India UHQ Relation Rally 2024 | Click Here |
Army Exam Syllabus 2024 | Click Here |
Mahar Regiment UHQ Quota Recruitment Rally Notification 2024
Date of Reporting at Mahar Regt Centre Saugor: Sportsmen: Outstanding sportsmen candidates will report along with complete documents at 2024
Relation Candidates: Son of war widow/ son of widow/ son of serivemen/ son of ex servicemen/ real brother of service & ex servicemen 2024
महार रेजिमेंट यूनिट हेडक्वार्टर्स कोटा अग्निवीर सेना भर्ती आधिकारिक नोटिफिकेशन 2024 Click Here
महार रेजिमेंट केंद्र में रिलेशन व खेल कोटा भर्ती 2024
1. महार रेजिमेंट केंद्र ने दिनांक __________ तक अग्निपथ योजना के अंतर्गत रिलेशन व खेल कोटा भर्ती का आयोजन किया जा रहा है। आप से अनुरोध है कि सर्विसमैन तथा एक्स सर्विसमैन के पुत्र अथवा भाई या खेलों में उच्च स्तर हासिल किये हुए नौजवान जो कीमहार रेजिमेंट की बटालियनों से स्पोंसर किये गए हों और खेल महासंघ का प्रमाण पत्र ____________ के उपरांत का हो ऐसे अभ्यर्थी जो सेना में भर्ती होना चाहते हैं वो अपना पंजीकरण एस एम एस (SMS) द्वारा इन मोबाइल नम्बरों 8871180305 या 8871686608 पर करें।
MAHAR Regiment UHQ Quota Rally Bharti Online Registration 2024
Registration Process UHQ Quota Recruitment Rally: All Relationship and outstanding sportsmen category candidates will be required to register themselves to enable allotment of dates for convenient handling of candidates in manageable lots. To carry out this registration, affected candidates should send SMS on Mobile Numbers 8871180305 & 8871686608 as per sample proforma of SMS given below. The Registration SMS of candidates will be acknowledged by MRC within 36 hrs and firm dates for reporting will be intimated within seven days of acknowledged of SMS. In case an acknowledgement SMS is not received within 36 hrs of sending registration SMS or firm dates of reporting are not received within seven days of receipt of ack SMS, candidates can call up on Mobile Number 8871686608 to telephonically confirm their registration and ascertain their date of UHQ Quota Recruitment Rally.
2. पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया यूएचक्यू कोटा भर्ती रैली: महार रेजिमेंट सेना भर्ती के सभी रिश्ते और उत्कृष्ट खिलाड़ी श्रेणी के उम्मीदवारों की भर्ती के सुविधाजनक संचालन एवं तारीखों के आवंटन करने के लिए खुद को पंजीकृत करने की आवश्यकता होगी। पंजीकरण करने के लिए, प्रभावित उम्मीदवारों को नीचे दिए गए एसएमएस के नमूना प्रोफार्मा के अनुसार मोबाइल नंबर 8871180305 और 9630141289 पर एसएमएस भेजना चाहिए। उम्मीदवारों के पंजीकरण एसएमएस की सूचना एमआरसी द्वारा 36 घंटे के भीतर दी जाएगी और एसएमएस की प्राप्ति के सात दिनों के भीतर रिपोर्टिंग के लिए निश्चित तारीखों की सूचना दी जाएगी। यदि पंजीकरण एसएमएस भेजने के 36 घंटे के भीतर एक पावती एसएमएस प्राप्त नहीं होता है या एक एसएमएस प्राप्त होने के सात दिनों के भीतर रिपोर्टिंग की फर्म तिथियां प्राप्त नहीं होती हैं, तो उम्मीदवार मोबाइल नंबर 8871686608 पर फोन करके अपने पंजीकरण की पुष्टि कर सकते हैं और अपनी तारीख का पता लगा सकते हैं।
3. SMS Registration अनिवार्य होगा तथा पंजीकरण का SMS मिलने के 36 घंटे प्रपति की सूचना भेजी जाएगी तथा उम्मीदवारों सात दिन के सूचित किया जायेगा की उन्हें किस दिन अपने दस्तावेजों के साथ उपस्थित होना है। अगर सूचना प्राप्त नहीं होती है तो उम्मीदवार मोबाइल नंबर 8871686608 पर संपर्क करके अपना पंजीकरण करवा सकते हैं। पंजीकरण _______ तक किया जायेगा (सुबह 0830 बजे से 1400 बजे तक और 1700 बजे से रात 2000 बजे तक)
(क) रिलेशन भर्ती (यू एच क्यू ) उम्मीदवारों के लिए एस एम एस (SMS) का फार्म:-
Name __________DOB___________Son/Brother Army No____________
Rank___________Name___________ Category (Sol GD, Tdn/ Clk)______
(ख) खेल कोटा उम्मीदवारों के लिए एस एम एस (SMS) का फार्म:-
Name____________ DOB_____________ S/o_________________
r/o_______________Distt_____________State_________________Highest Event in which participated_____________ Date of Participation_________
Format for Online Online Registration through SMS under UHQ Quota Relation & Sports Agniveer Recruitment Rally in Center
Download Format
Mahar Regt Saugor Army Agniveer Recruitment Rally Notice 2024
MRC Army Relation/Sports Bharti – MAHAR Regiment Center Saugor UHQ Quota Relation and Open Sports Army Rally Bharti Program Notification 2024
RECRUITMENT UNDER UNIT HEADQUARTERS QUOTA OF MAHAR REGIMENT CENTER, SAUGOR 2024 Gen 1. Recruitment rally under Unit Headquarters Quota for Recruiting Year 2024 is being scheduled at this Centre with effect from _____ for RESERVE CATEGORY CANDIDATES’ ( i.e. son of war, Widow/widow / Ex- servicemen / servicemen/ real brother of servicemen Ex servicemen and sportsmen category candidates). Common Entrance Examination (CEE) for the same will be tentatively conducted on ___________. 2. This advance information is being circulated for wide publicity arranges the aspirants so that wards of Servicemen/ Ex-servicemen can ascertain their suitability prior to attending recruitment rally and also to give them sufficient time to prepare all their necessary documents well in advance as per Performa att/ as per requirement and avoiding their rejection during documentation for minor reasons. UHQ Sports Quota 3. OUTSTANDING SPORTSMEN category candidates will only be entertained as open category No open category candidates sponsored by the battalions and no civilian candidates will be entertained in the rally except Sportsmen. Eligible sports persons are required to report at MAHAR CENTRE, SAUGOR eight days prior for actions pertaining to incl verification of docu & assessment of talent. (a) Only candidates who are found fit after the preliminary screening process will be allowed to participate in the rect process commencing from Updated soon. (b) Detailed eligibility criteria for Sports Persons in UHQ Sports Quota are given at Appx A. Sequence of Events 4. Tentative sequence of events & schedule of recruitment rally to be conducted from Updated soon as under:- (a) Pre-document check. (b) Physical Fitness Test (PFT) (Run 1600 meter, Ditch, Zig-Zag Balance). (c) Physical Measurement Test (PMT) (Height, Weight, Chest). (d) Detailed document check and Prep of Recruits Master Data Sheet (RMDS). (e) Primary Medical Examination and review cases. (f) Preparation and issue of Admit Card. (g) Conduct of Common Entrance Examination (CEE). |
Helpline Contact Number 8871686608 |
4. Mahar Regt UHQ Quota relation & Sports recruitment rally being conducted during 2024 program is awaited:–
(a) Pre document check.
(b) Physical Fitness Test (PFT) Run, Beam, Ditch & Zig Zag.
(d) Physical Measurement Test (PMT) Height, Weight, Chest.
Notice: अनिवार्य शैक्षणिक योग्यता सैनिक लिपिक (क्लर्क)/स्टोर कीपर:- 10 + 2 / हायर सेकेंडरी सर्टीफिकेट / इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा किसी भी स्ट्रीम (कला, वाणिज्य, विज्ञान) में 60% अंकों के कुल योग के साथ एवं प्रत्येक विषय में न्यूनतम 50% अंकों के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना अनिवार्य है। आवेदक के लिए 12 वीं कक्षा में अंग्रेजी और गणित या एकाउंट्स या बुक कीपिंग विषय में 50% अंक के साथ पास होना आवश्यक है।
प्राथमिकता 1 Priority I – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 2 Priority II – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 3 Priority III – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 4 Priority IV – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 5 Priority V – Relation Bharti
Relaxation in Physical Standard for Indian Army Recruitment Rally
सेना में भर्ती होने के लिए शारीरिक मानकों में छूट | Physical Standard Relaxation in Army Recruitment | ||
Category | Height (Cms) | Weight (Kgs) | Chest (Cms) |
Son of servicemen/ Son of Ex- Servicemen/ Son of War Widow/ Son of Widow. | 02 | 02 | 01 |
Adopted son/ son-in-law (if she has no son) of a War Widows of Army. | 02 | 02 | 01 |
Sportsmen who have represented India at International level, or State at National level. | 02 | 05 | 03 |
Sportsmen who have represented District at State level and University or Regional team at State/ National level and secured 1st or 2nd position. | 02 | 05 | 03 |
Award of Bonus Marks NCC Candidates/Computer Course/Sportsmen for All Trade/Category
Agniveer Bonus Marks | Soldier General Duty | Sol Clk/ SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech(Avn & Amn), Sol NA, | Soldier Tradesmen |
Son of Servicemen /Son of Ex-Servicemen/ Son of War Widow /Son of Widow (One Son only) | 20 Marks | 20 Marks | 20 Marks |
National Cadets Corps ‘A’ Certificate | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holder | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam | 15 Marks | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam |
NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders who have participated in Republic Day Parade | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam |
Candidates having O+ Level Computer Certificate issued by DOEACC Society | 15 Marks (For Clerk/SKT |
*Bonus marks for ITI Course/ Skill Qualification in addition to basic education qualification:- | |||
(i) One year course at ITI | 30 Marks | ||
(ii) Two years course at ITI | 40 Marks | ||
(iii) Diploma holder | 50 Marks | ||
(a) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 20 marks even if a candidate qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks except Agniveer (Technical). |
(b) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 50 marks even if a candidate qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks to Agniveer (Technical). |
Note | |||
(i) The above marks are fixed depending upon the eligibility of a candidate and has no relation to his performance in Common Entrance Examination (CEE). |
(ii) Only one type of Bonus Marks (Max of the permissible) will be added to the total. | |||
(iii) Bonus marks will be accorded on qualifying in the written examination. | |||
(iv) Only one ward (daughter/son) of Service/Ex-Servicemen/War Widow/Widow of Ex-servicemen can avail bonus marks in written examination. |
(v) Original Certificates to be carried by all above categories at rally site. | |||
(vi) Sports Certificate are valid for two years from the issue date as on first day of the recruitment rally for which the candidate is being screened. |
Bonus Marks for Outstanding Sportsmen
Indian Army Recruitment Bonus Marks for Sportsmen candidates | |||
Agniveer Sports Bonus Marks | Agniveer General Duty | Sol Clk/SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech (Avn & Amn), Sol NA, | Soldier Tradesmen |
Candidates Represented India at International level | 20 Marks | 20 Marks | 20 Marks |
Represented State at the Senior/Junior National level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto eighth position in Team event | 15 Marks | 15 Marks | 15 Marks |
Represented College / University in Inter University Championship and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up to sixth position in the Team event. | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Represented State at National Level in Khelo India Games and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto sixth position in the team event. | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Represented Dist at the State Level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto fourth position in the Team event. | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
Represented the State school team in the events org by All India School Games Federation and have won any medal in individual event or position sixth position in the Team event. | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
Eligibility Criteria
2. Age for Soldier General Duty: 17 ½ to 21 years.
3. Age for Soldier Technical, Soldier Clerk, Soldier Clerk Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Nursing Assistant and Soldier Tradesmen category: Age for all these category should be between 17 ½ to 23 years.
4. Age for Havildar Education: Between 20 to 25 years.
5. Age for Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers): Between 20 to 25 years.
7. Age for Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher: 27 to 34 years.
8. Age for Junior Commissioned Officer Catering: 21 to 27 years.
9. Age for recruitment in TA – 18 to 42 years.
10. Height for Solder GD, Soldier Tradesman, JCO Catering (ASC) / Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers) and Havildar Education category – 166 cm or 1.66 meter or 5 feet 5.3 inch.
11 Height for Soldier Technical and Soldier Nursing Assistant – 163 centimeter or 1.63 meter or 5.43 feet.
12. Height for Soldier Clerk and Soldier store keeper technical category – 162 centimeter or 1.62 meter or 5 feet 4 inch.
13. Height for Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher – 160 centimeter or 1.60 meter or 5 feet 3.3 inch.
14. Height for TA – 160 cm.
15. Weight: Minimum Weight for all above categories should be 48 Kg.
16. Chest: Chest should be minimum 77 to 82 centimeters.
17. Soldier GD / SHGD.
(a) 10th / Matric / SSLC/ High School pass with a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate and not less than 33% marks in each subject.
(b) In case the candidate is Intermediate/HSC/12th class pass / Graduate, then there is no requirement of minimum percentage for Class 10th .
Note: 33 % is not applicable for additional / optional subjects.
18. Soldier Technical.
(a) 10+2/Intermediate/HSC exam passed in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with min 45% Marks / C2 Grade in aggregate (of all subjects).
(b) 10th class pass with min 50% marks in aggregate if 3 yrs Diploma in Engineering from an AICTE recognized institute.
19. Soldier Nursing Assistant : 12th pass/10+2/Intermediate/Higher Secondary with Physics Chemistry, Biology and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject.
10. Soldier Clerk/SKT : 12th pass/Intermediate/Higher Secondary Exam pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50% in each subject. Should have studied and passed English and Maths/Accts Book Keeping in Class X or Class XII with 50% marks in each subject.
21. Soldier Tradesmen. 10th Class pass (Simple Pass) and for few trades 8th pass.
22. Havildar Education Group X : MA/MSc/MCA or BA/BSc/BCA / BSc (IT) with B Ed.
23. Havildar Education Group Y : BA/BSc/BCA/B Sc (IT) (without B Ed).
24. Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers) : BA/BSc with Maths and must have also passed 12th class(10+2) or equivalent with Maths and Science as main subjects.
25. Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher : Graduate in any discipline. In addition requisite qualification in his own religious denomination.
26. Physical Fitness Test (PFT) : Following Physical Fitness Test (PFT) are carried out. Total Marks awarded for PFT is 100 marks:-
(a) 1.6 Km or 1600 Meter or 1 Mile Run.
(b) Pull Ups.
(c) Balance.
(d) 9 Feet Ditch.
27. Race for All Trades and Category: Timing and Marking for 1.6 Km (1600 Meter or Mile) Run for Soldier General Duty is as under:-
(a) Group I: Run within 5 Minutes and 30 Seconds – 60 Marks
(b) Group II: From 5 Minutes 31 Seconds to 5 Minutes 45 Seconds- 48 Marks
28. Race for Hav Education and Catering: Timing and Marking for 1.6 Km (1600 Meter or Mile) Run is as under:-
(a) Group I: Upto 5 Minutes and 40 Seconds – 60 Marks
(b) Group II: From 5 Minutes 41 Seconds to 6 Minutes 20 Seconds – 48 Marks
29. Pull Ups: Number of Pull Ups and Marks awarded is as under:
(a) 10 Pull Ups – 40 Marks
(b) 9 Pull ups – 33 Marks
(c) 8 Pull ups – 27 Marks
(d) 7 Pull ups – 21 Marks
(e) 6 Pull ups – 16 Marks
30. Balance : No marks are awarded, should be qualified.
31. 9 Feet Ditch : No marks are awarded, should be qualified.
Mahar Regt UHQ Quota Relation Rally
महार रेजिमेंट केंद्र में खेल कोटा और यू एच क्यू कोटा में भर्ती के सूचना
प्राथमिकता 1 Priority I – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 2 Priority II – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 3 Priority III – Relation Bharti
प्राथमिकता 4 Priority IV – Relation Bharti
Assam Rifles Relation Bharti 2024 Click here
राजपूताना राइफल्स आर्मी भर्ती प्रोग्राम 2024 – Click here
AMC Center Lucknow Relation Recruitment Rally – Click here
Arty Center Hyderabad Army Relation and Sports Bharti Click Here
3 EME Center Bhopal Relation Bharti
राजपूत रेजिमेंट खुली एवं रिलेशन आर्मी भर्ती
Selection Procedure Click here
New Syllabus for Soldier Tdn – Click here
New Syllabus for Soldier GD Exam click here
New Syllabus for Soldier Tech Exam – Click here
New Syllabus for Soldier NA Exam – Click here
New Syllabus for Soldier Clerk/SKT Exam – Click here
Sir rajrif center delhi cant ki relition bharti btana
Sir rajrif center delhi cant ki relition bharti btana
Hello, Ajit Raj Rif ki bharti chal rahi hai.
Hello Gurjeet, Mahar Regiment ki relation bharti chal rahi hai.
Sir Mahar next Bharti sports ka kb chalo honi hai
Hello Please keep watch on “army relation bharti” for daily update of relation bharti army.
Bharti kab Hogi sar
Sir agar kisi bhi center ma sportsman ki bharti ho to batana
Hello Arman Ali, OK, Check on “Army bharti samachar 2020-2021” or “Indian army counseling form” and apply, wish you all the best
Sir sports Bharti kB h
Bhai bharti kab h
Comment Text*hi
Me mrc suagor firshe bharti hona chhata hu me 2011 me center board out huwa tha kya muje 1 chance diya jay sir ji shrimaan plz request ed army no 4583272x rect
sir mein assam se hoon…suagor me toh abhi relation bharti chal raha hai…2 din already ho gaya bharti k…toh agar me abhi suagor bharti k liye nikloon toh 4 se 5 din lag jayga…kiya me bharti ho paunga…??
Hello Rahul, you have to report to center as per program issued.
Sir mahar centre ki bharti kab hai….????
Hello sir plzz tell me punjab mahar regiment punjab ki bharti kab ha??
Hello sir centre me relation bharti kab hai Maharashtra ki September me bol rahe hai plz aap bata Paoge
Hello Ashish, Mahar Regt Relation bharti not yet confirm.
hello sir main maharashtra se hoon mrc mein relation bharti kab hai thank u
sir mrc main bharti kab hai
sir mrc mein relation bharti kab hai
Hello Motiram, visit on “UHQ Quota relation bharti” for complete details.
Kon konse center vale other centers Vale ko lete hai
Sir apne jile ki open bharti me relation valo ko alag daud hoti hai kya
Hello Ganesh, yah to bharti andhikari ke upar depend karta hai.
Sir mahar regt ki bharti kab hai aur kya kya decoments ki zarurat hai
Thanks, Sameer
Sir Bareilly kiJat Regiment ki bharti kab hai
Hello Khemkaran, Bareilly bharti confirm nahi hai, visit on “UHQ Quota relation bharti” for more details
sir next mahar regt mai dsc ki bharti kab h…
Hello Praveen Singh, contact Mahar Regt Center for DSC Bharti
Sir . Kya Jat Regiment main Yadav ki bharti ho Sakti hai
Hello, Harindra, yes ho sakti hai yadi aap sportsman ya relation candidate hain to.
Mai sports se hu jat me bharti kb hai
Hello, Mahar regt me JCO ki direct vacancy keval RT JCO ya Sports ke antargat aati hai.
Hello sir mahar reg. Ma relation ship Bharti 2019 ma kab hai
Hello vimlesh, uhq quota relation bharti date not yet confirm.
Mrc center ki bharti ki kese pta chalata h
Hello Devendra, visit on “UHQ Quota relation bharti” for more details.
Mahar regiment relation bharti kab hai sir?
Hello Jogdande, Bharti abhi confirm nahi hai.
Hello sir 28oct 2018 bharti hoe thi ouska result kab hai
Mahar regiment sager relation Bharti 2019 kab ayegi
visit on “army bharti program” for complete army recruitment rally information. Thanks for your comments.
ji hind ser kya mehar rejiment me other sentar walo ko army me lagne ka moka mel sakta h
ji hind ser mehar rejiment me other sentar valo ko army me lagne ka moka mel sakta h
Hello Pawan, Yes
hello ser amc leknow ke rellison bhrti 2019 me keb h
Hello Pawan 13 to 19 May 2019.
Sir sports wale bhi dekh sakte hai MRC centre sagar mein
Hello Krishan, pahle telephone se confirm karne ke bad trial ke liye jao. wish you all the best
hello ser amc leknow ke 2019 relison bhrthi keb ke h
Hello Pawan, 13 to 19 May, please visit on “AMC Relation bharti” for complete program
Sir youtube par date aa chuki haa
Sir youtube par date aa chuki haa
Helo ser amc leknow ke 2019 me bhrti keb h
Hello Pawan, 13 to 19 May 2019, visit on “AMC Relation bharti” for complete program
mahar regimant me sports bharti kab hai sir
national player in game kabaddi
Hello Arun, please keep watch on “UHQ Quota relation bharti” for more information
Sir 23apr ko jo bharti ha and Bihar ka kes date ma ha 23ko he
Hello Sarvan, Please contact Mahar Regt Centre through telephone for date
Sir sagar mai kha hai ye centre plzz tell me ya ha bas relation valo ko hi moka milta ya other mahar cast ke bhi join kr sakte hai rally
Center name to atlast dalna chahiye tha ab sir online bhi contact no nhi diya gaya hai
Koi new person ko ana ho to contact kaise kare or kaise pata chalega use location plzz kuch batiya mera bhai bhi aana chata hai maharashtra se
Hello Pallavi, please check the program and report to centre as per recruitment rally program.
Sir mehar me English me
gress Vale gd se berthi dek sakte h
Helo sir kya English me gress valo ko gd se berthi dekne kaa moka Mel sekta h
Hello Pawan, sena sainik GD ki bharti ki sampurn jankari “Soldier selection procedure Indian army kikali” par di gayee hai.
Hello Pawan, yadi aap 10+2 hain to apply kar sakte hain, check on “soldier gd selection procedure” for complete information.
Helo sir kya mehar regiment me English me gress valo ko gd se berthi dekne kaa meka Mel sekta h
Helo sir kya aap beta sekte h English me gress legni par gd se relison kye berthi dek sekte h
Helo sir kya aap beta sekte h English me gress legni per gd se relison kye berthi dek sekte h
Hello Pawan Manda, please check on “Soldier GD selection Procedure” complete information is given.
Sir, sagar me barti date kb h
Hello Vikash, visit on “army relation bharti”
Sir mahar center mi bharti kab hi
Hello Vinayak, program not yet received. you may visit on “army relation bharti program” for more information
Mehar regiment me aagli berthi kab h
Hello Ashok, check on “army relation bharti”
Hello ser Mehar me aagli berthi Kevin h
Hello Pawan, check on “army relation bharti” for full information
Sir relation bharti mahar regiment me kab aayegi Or online application kab se start honge plzz tell Imidietly it’s a humble request
Hello Praveen, check on “army relation bharti” for full information
Sir mere papa ji jat regiment m the Kya m koi b relation bharti dekh skta hu
Hello Shubjam, Yes aap dekh sakte ho.
Can other center condidate take participate Mahar center relation bharti??
Hello Praveen, Yes
Sir mera ko puch na ha ki sports valo certificate latest kit na year ka ho na chya 3 year ka na
Hello Sundram, 2 years
Sir mahar me sport bharti date
Hello Ravindra Pratap, report to centre as per date given on the post.
Sir mera ap sa kuch bt kr ne ha plz ap ek br call kr sakta ha mera ko 9560613910
Hello Mishra, please write in comment box.
Jay hind sir…mahar regiment mrc ki relation bharthi kab hai…
Hello Pavan, please check on “army relation bharti”
Hello sir Tradman ki bharthi ha sagar ma 23 September ki please reply sir
Amc relation bharti all over India 2019 total bharti batana
Hello Amardeep, please check on “army relation bharti” for latest update of all relation bharti
Sir technical ki Bharti aati hai mahar regiment Mai aur date 23 SEP dikha Raha hai
Hello Navin, Sol GD/ Clk/ Tdn, Musician only till now
Sir jaldi bata do technical ki Bharti hai kya kyuki 23 SEP 2019 ko date dikha Raha hai website par
hello sar ja hind sar me rajsthan se center ki fast bharti atend kr rha hu to sar rajsthan ki kb h bharti MAHAR regt…me or koi banda h jo bharti dekhega to mujhe bhi confom.karn.+917568658176 plzz jai hind dosto
Hello 57APO, report to centre as per program given in the constants
hallo sir may mahar regiment ka ex servisman ka ladaka hu sir abhi jo bharti nikali hai saugor me kya abhi mai usame NA ka form dal sakata hu kya .. pleace batao sir ..
Hello Nitesh, for NA recruitment join direct recruitment rally at AMC Centre lucknow.
Sir usmai tou technical ki Bharti dikha Raha hai website par kya 23 SEP dikha Raha hai
Jai hind sir ji sougor me sports bharti kab he batana plea
Hello Preetam Singh, check on “army relation bharti” and report to center as per program
sir mahar centre pr bharti 16 sept ko dikha rha hai mai sportsman up se hu ja sakta hu is bharti pr
Jai hind sir ji sauor me 16 september ko bharti bata rahe he sportsman ki me mp se hu kya me a sakta hu sports me
Hello Preetam Singh, read the notification and report to centre as per program
Sir muze army ME lagnaa hai Sir meri bohat ichaa hai desh seva karne ki May bhi mahar hu May apne ragiment ka naam roshan karu gaa Sir pliz my no 7447446032
Sir may army mye lagna chahtahu muzhe Army ME lagna hai May desh ki seva karna chahtahu May mahar jaat ka HI hu pliz Sir May nomar 9657052635
Hello Suraj, apply and join, wish you all the best.
Sir, sagar me Morena (MP) ki bharti kb ki he
Hello Akhilesh, check on “Morena army bharti program”
Hello sir sports mein race ke trial kab h our 3km ka time kitna h.sir koi cast wise to nhi h sports Bharti
Hello Rajveer Singh, Report MRC as per program given in the notification
Hello sir… Mahar Regt center sagar me. Jo bharti hai.. september me uske liye kya . Online registration krana padega kya sir ji.aur k. Kisi bhi center ka banda bhag le skta hai. . Ki nhi.sir.
Hello Yadav, yes you can join direct as per program given
Sir . Pliz.. Mahar Regt sagar me jo bharti hai . September me . Uske liye kya . Online registration krana padega.kya.sir…. Aur kisi bhi center ka. Banda . Bhag le sakta hai. Ki nhi sir.pliz. Reply sir……
Hello Pradeep, Direct bharti no online application required
Sir kya mahar regiment ke liye karate sport chlega … Plz sir inform mi
Sir Mahar Regt center Sagar . Ki jo bharti hai. September me vh bharti. Confirm hai sir…Kyonki
Hello Pradeep, Till Now Yes
Sir MADARAS REGT CENTER ki bharti Date kya hai. Sir. Koe information hai.kya sir aapke pas. Kyonki . Unke notification me date sho nhi kr rha hai. Sir pliz..Sir.
Hello Pradeep, may be conducted during Sept/Oct 2019
sir state level 2 postion ka holly ball ka crtificat chalega kya
Hello Aniket, please confirm from MRC for more information
Sir detail me date nahi hai kya
Hello Ram Krishna, report to centre as per date and time given on the post
Mahar m clark ki bharti h kya
sir can tell me ki mere pass state leval 2postion vollyboll certificat hai to kay chalga kay sagur me plizz call me 9022074428
Sir.GD valo ko 23 Sep….. 2019 ko 0500 hrs par report krna hai n sir..Pliz.Reply sir
Sir ram ram.GD valo ko 23 Se ko report krna hai n sir 0500 hrs pe…….
Sir is me sirf mahar ke candidates hi ja sakte hai kya or koi relation wala nahi ja sakta kya ……sir batiye please …..muje clk ki dekni hai. …….sir please batiye. …..
Sir mere papa beg engineering me hai to kya me is bharti me ja sakta hu. …….sir please reply
Hello Saif, check on “army relation bharti” and report to any center for relation bharti
Sir Mehar me berthi kab h
Hello Pawan, please check on “army relation bharti” for complete updated program
सागर में relison भरती कब हैं सर प्लीज जल्दी बताए
Hello Ashok Kumar, please check on “army relation bharti” for complete program
sir Mahar m Clark kids bharti h kya please
sir mahar ragiment relation bharti kab hai
Hello sirr
army sports Bharti mahar regt.centre saugor me
Bihar Ka ldka ja sakta h
Hm ek wrestling players h State level khele h.
Plzz rply…
Hello sir
Mahar regiment me other wale bharti dekh sakte hai Kya Sir
Or sir isme online form hote hai ki offline
Please reply my answer
Hello sir
Main Arty center se hu kya me mahar regiment me bharti dekh sakta hu
Or sir isme online form hote hai ki offline
Please reply my answer
Hello Ranveer Singh, Yes
Mahar regiment me online form hote hai ya offline please reply answer
Hello Ranveer Singh, Direct open relation/ sports bharti No online/offline
Sir mehar me tdn men ki berthi h
Hello sir mahar regiment m relation condidate ko 23 ko reporting krna h na sir
Hello Singh, Check on mahar relation bharti 2019
Hello sir mahar regiment m relation condidate ko 23 ko reporting krna h na sir
Sir ,
M sportsperson ke roop me participate karna chahta hu lakin mere paas GAME KA certificate STATE LAVEL KA ha jo university se organised hote h aur HANDBALL FREDRATION OF INDIA ka h state ka lakin
Inme se kisi m bhi 1st aur. 2nd place nhi h
To kya m partcipate kar sakta hu
Sir GD relationship bharti ka reporting time kya h . Mahar reg. Kab ana h relation vallo ko ?.
Sir athletics ki vacancy hai
Jai Hind sab..relation clarificat kab tak valid hota he…
Sir kisi bhi centre ke Bharti dekh sakte h please sir inform Rajasthan ki relesation Bharti kab h
Hello Bhanu, visit on “army relation uhq quota bharti program” for complete information and rally bharti
Other center me clerk ki bharti dhek skte h Kaya reply please
Sir musical ke barthi kb hai Mene 19 mahar me jass band me kaam Kiya hai Jo ke gawaliore hai 1 years
Sir mahr reg se contect nhi kr skte kya call pr.. Kyoki sir pani bhot aa rha hai so.. Hoygi ki nhi bharti
Helo sir me nikl gya pani ki wjah se 16 ko 1bje tk aa shkta hu
Jai Hind sir
Sir mahar regiment me soldier clerk ki Bharti hai Kya Sir
Mujhe Sir soldier clerk ki dekh dekhni hai please reply my answer
Please sir bata do mahar regiment me soldier clerk ki Bharti hai Kya
Hello Ranveer Singh, it will be clear only on receipt of notification.
Rileshan bharti ke lane btana Aap hamko
Hello Rohit. OK
sir mahar regiment me 2020 me kab bharti ha
sir mahar regiment me baharti kab ha 2020 me
Hello Narveer, check on “army relation bharti program” for full relation bharti information
sports man ke please reply sir
Hello Dhull, read the complete post carefully and apply
Sir mahar regiment mai relations bharti kab hai 2020 mai
Hello Niranjan, check complete program on “UHQ Quota relation bharti program” for full information
Please reply sir
Hello Niranjan Yadav, check complete program on “UHQ Quota relation bharti program” for full information
sir application ka date kya hai plzz bataiye
Hello Vijay, visit on “UHQ Quota relation bharti program 2020” for full information
सर मेरी दसवीं में 42 परसेंट है और 12वीं में 56 परसेंट है और मेरे पास मेरे फादर का रिलेशन है तो क्या मैं भर्ती देख सकता हूं प्लीज सर आंसर मी माय कमेंट
Hello Suresh, yes you attend
Hello Sir karate game wale ko sports bharti me Liya jata hai kya?
Hello Tiwari, Yes
Hello Vinay, check on UHQ Quota army relation bharti program 2020″
Sir mhar center m sports bharti KB hai bhaut time ho giya nahi aayi abhi tak
Sir m April m overage ho Jana plz tell me 😥
Hello Sahil, you may visit on “UHQ Quota relation bharti program 2020”
Hello sir mahar me 2020 me Kb hoga apr me please call me bhai Pata ho to 7366009484
Sir Marie 10th m 48%h laykin math m32 no h kya m gd say bharti dekh sakta ho or bharti kab h
Hello sir Mahar me 2020 me bharti kb h. Relationship….
2020 MRC relation rally date batao sir
Hello Sumit, Fresh program will be issued for army recruitment rally during April/May
Jai Hind Sir,
Mujhe 1.6km Group I or Group II ki timing bataiye please sir
Hello Sumit, 5.45 minutes
Hello Sumit, Hello Sumit, 5.30 minutes Group I and 5.45 minutes Group II
Jai hind sir ji. May 8 class pass hu meri yej 36 hai .mayne N.C.C ki h srtifiket hai or karate me 3″ rd Dan Black Belt sensai hu srtifiket hai or turnament bohat srtifiket hai Draywig school srtifiket or laysns hai or Dic srtifiket or bohat sare srtifiket hai sir ji par meri yej 36 hai to may TA mahar rejimet army me bharti de saktahu sir piliz batana maharastra se hu
Hello Shankar, apply for TA
Jai hind sir ji. Thanks sir ji .may maharastra se hu nagpur me sir ji 2020 me TA mahar rejimet bhrti kab h sir ji or all India spots qota bharti hoti hai sir ji kaha hoti hai sir ji piliz bataoge sir ji help me
Sir mahar regiment ki relation bharti kab hogi 2020 me
Please tell me sir 🙏🙏🙏
Hello Akash, please wait for fresh notification or visit on “Army relation bharti program”
Sir mrc me Jun me bharti hogi ki nhi
Sir 6 june 2020 me mahar centre ki bharti hogi k nhi
Hello Wahid, contact Regimental Centre for latest information
Hello sir
Mahar regiment sagur main relation bharti kb hain
Hello Vijay, Thank you very much for your comments, visit on “Army bharti samachar 2020-2021” and “Indian army counselling form” for more information
Hello sir
Mahar regiment sagur main relation bharti kb hain
Hello Krishna KG, Thank you very much for your comments, visit on “Army bharti samachar 2020-2021” and “Indian army counselling form” for more information
Sir center ma Bharti kab a
Sir ram ram
MRC Me Bharti i hai kya sir ye jo notification hai
Sir asc centre mei bharti kab tak aayegi sir please btayein apka bohutt sukrguzar rhuga
Sir Mahar reg or sikandrabaad army sports Bharti date schedule kya h Saab btana
Sir sport ki delhi me kab bharti. Arhi hai. Mai up se belong karta hu…. koi jankari ho to. Sir.. massage karna.. thanks . Sir.. jai hind… Altaf racar..
Sir bharti kb tk hogi pl tell me
Hello Tejveer, please visit on “Army bharti samachar 2020” for latest update. wish you all the best for success
Bharti kab Hogi sar
Hello Apin, visit on “army bharti samachar 2020” for latest update about army recruitment rally. wish you all the best
Hlo sir
Hello Sachin, visit on “Army bharti samachar 2020” for complete information
ASC mai kab h sir
16November2020 ko jo bharti h roorkee sports vaalo ki hh yaa musicians ki h
Manish Kumar Locknow zro se sports relesotion Bharti AMC center me kab h please tell me sir……….
Sir jai hind
Me 2019 mar me nivrut hua hu dsc me jana chahta hu bharti kab hogi pls jankari de sir
Mahar regiment sagor se
Rajasthan ki dod kab h
sir jai hind
sir abhi jo 17 january ko notification hua our bharti thi kaya sir wo abhi 29 january ko bharti dekh sakta hai without notification k kayoki hume notification k bare main pata nahi chala please help me
sir jai hind
sir mahar regt. bharti ka notification kase mil sakta hai abhi bharti chal rahi hai hume patta hi nahi chala me
Hlo sir sports bharti pon h kya abhi koi state me bhi
Sar mahar ki bharti kab h plz btana
Sir mahar regiment m sports ki bharti kab h
Siri Tamil Nadu trials. confirma sir new University competition hockey game my name Vignesh sir 2020 2021 sports quota Date selection please sir please help me sir 🙏🙏🙏
Hello V Vignesh, take action as per notification
Jay hind sir…Sir mene sms kiya tha proin 48 hour ho chuke h abhi tak reply nhi aaya, aur ye 8109081119 vala no.swich off aarha h ab kya kre sir …plz reply sir
Jay hind sir…Sir ab me registration kese karu..
Hello Rohit, vist on “” for latest jobs notifications for 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th & higher qualifications jobs for the year 2021-2022 and apply as per your eligibility. Wish you all the best.
Hello sir all India clerk bharti ka notification send
Hello, vist on “” for latest jobs notifications for 5th, 8th, 10th, 12th & higher qualifications jobs for the year 2021-2022 and apply as per your eligibility. Wish you all the best.
Athletic game hai kya sir
Athletic game hai kya sir
Any Help Contact Me 🙏
Hello Rana, visit on “Army Bharti Helpline number kikali”
Joy hind sir MRC ki Relation vorti kob hain
Hello Laltu Patra, please check on “UHQ Quota relation bharti” and apply
Sir jayhind muze mere bete ka rilastion certificate kahan se milega krupaya bataiye
Hello CD Daulatrao, contact your record office
Sir mene apne bhai ka abhi or aaj hi rejistetion kiya hai sms ke Dwara agneveer reltion bharti ke Lea kab tak reply aa jayega
Bharti kab hai sir (state) uttar pradesh pls batao sir jab bhejna hai center me bhai ko
Hello Tilakraj, please contact “army bharti helpline number”
Sir mera ground 19 ko hai
To kb tak pahunchna padega
Sir mera ground 19 ko hai
To kb tak pahunchna padega
Neetesh singh
Hello Neetesh, taiyari karo aur army join karo