Jamnagar Army Bharti Melo Registration 2024

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Army Rally Bharti Melo ARO Jamnagar 2024: Army Rally Bharti Melo Jamnagar,  Apply Online for  Army Recruitment Open Rally Bharti  Junagarh, Bhavnagar, Jamnagar, Amreli,  Kutch, Porbandar, Rajkot, Surendranagar, Gir Somnath, Devbhumi Dwarka, Diu, Botad and Morbi of Shourashtra of Gujrat state.  Jamnagar army rally bharti online application date of physical, PFT, medical, written test, final resulet, Jamnagar army bharti age, height, weight, chest, body measurement test given below:-

ARO Jamnagar Army Bharti Age Limit

अग्निवीर भर्ती योजना 2025 अग्निपथ योजना की विस्तृत जानकारी
वायुसेना भर्ती प्रोग्राम Click Here
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अग्निवीर आर्मी भर्ती पात्रता (Agniveer Eligibility) Click Here
अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे एवं अग्निवीर सेवा लाभClick Here
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Agniveer Bharti Helpline NumberClick Here
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अग्निवीर रैली भर्ती के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें? Click Here
इंडियन आर्मी एडमिट कार्डClick Here
Indian Navy Agniveer Pay ScaleClick Here
इंडियन नेवी भर्ती प्रोग्रामClick Here
Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Rally Program (Notification)Click Here
IAF Agniveer Bharti for ITI/Diploma/ 10+2Click Here

Jamnagar Army Rally Program District wise Bharti 2024

સૂચના: એઆરઓ જામનગર: ફેબ્રુઆરી 2024 માં યોજાયેલ દેવભૂમિ દ્વારકા રેલી માટેની સામાન્ય પ્રવેશ પરીક્ષા (સીઇઇ) હવે 25 જુલાઇ 2024 ના રોજ શ્રી સત્ય સાઇ વિદ્યાલય, જામનગરમાં યોજાનાર છે

Vacancy Soldier Post Jamnagar ARO

Soldier Technical (all arms) Bharti

Soldier General Duty (SGD) Bharti

Soldier  Technical NA Bharti

Soldier Tech Dresser Bharti

Soldier Tradesman Bharti

Religious Teacher Bharti

Soldier Clk/SKT Bharti

Sepoy Pharma Bharti

JCO Catering Bharti

Hav (SAC) Bharti

PARA Bharti

DSC Bharti

TA Bharti

Jamnagar Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2024-આર્મી રેકઋઇટમેન્ટ રેલી પ્રોગ્રામ સેનાએ ભરતી કાર્યાલય જન્મનગર 

ARO Jamnagar Agniveer Rally 2025Agniveer Rally Date
Starting Date of Online Registration Updating soon
Closing Date of Online RegistrationUpdating soon
Date of Admit Card for CBT ExamUpdating soon
Date of Common Entrance ExamUpdating soon
Date of PET/ PFT/ PST & Medical TestMay/June 2024
Source of Informationwww.joinindianarmy.nic.in
शिकायत प्रकोष्ठ सेना भर्ती रैली Click Here
आर्मी रैली भर्ती मेडिकल टेस्टClick Here
Women Agniveer Army Rally Bharti Click Here
Terms & Conditions of Service/ Army Act 1950Click Here
Date of online Application Click Here
Admit Card DateClick Here
Date of Army Rally BhartiClick Here
Agniveer Age LimitClick Here
Exam Date/ CEE DateClick Here
Trade & Category of Army RallyAgniveer GD, Agniveer Office Assistant, Agniveer Technical, Solider Nursing Assistant, Agniveer Women GD, Agniveer Tdn, Sepoy Pharma & Non-technical Army Bharti
Agniveer Rally DistrictsAgniveer Army Rally Bharati Rajkot, Porbandar, Jamnagar, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagarh, Surendranagar Kutch, Diu, Gir Somnath, Botad. Morbi, Devbhumi Dwarka & Patan Army Recruitment Rally Program 2024.
दौड़ में 100% अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए बेहतरीन रेस टिप्स (60 Marks)Click Here
बीम में 100 % अंक प्राप्त करने के लिए बेहतरीन रेस टिप्स (40 Marks)Click Here
Agniveer Selection Process 2024Click Here
Agniveer लिखित परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम से 100 अंक प्राप्त करें Click Here
Agniveer & Police Race TipsClick Here
Police Bharti Program Click Here

 2.  Age

(a)  Age for Soldier General Duty:    17 ½ to 21 years.

(b) Age for Soldier Technical, Soldier Clerk, Soldier Clerk Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Nursing Assistant and Soldier Tradesmen category: Age for all these  category should be between  17 ½ to 23 years.

(c)  Age for Havildar Education:  Between 20 to 25 years of age.

(d)  Age for Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers): Between 20 to 25 years.

(e)  Age for Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher: 27 to 34 years.

(f)  Age for Junior Commissioned Officer Catering: 21 to 27 years.

3.  Height

(a) Height for  Solder GD, and Soldier Tradesman, JCO Catering (ASC) / Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers) and Havildar Education   category – 168 centimeter or 1.68 meter.

(b)  Height for Soldier Technical and Soldier Nursing Assistant – 167 centimeter or 1.67 meter.

(c) Height for Soldier Clerk and Soldier store keeper technical category – 162 centimeter.

(d) Height for Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher – 160 centimeter or 1.60 meter.

4. Weight: Weight for all above categories should be 50 Kg.

5. Chest:  Chest should be minimum 77 to 82 centimeters. (Dispensation in chest measurement of 01 cm has been granted for Soldier Technical category).

Relaxation in Physical Standard for Indian Army Recruitment Rally

Relaxation in physical standard for candidates in army recruitment


Son of servicemen/ Son of Ex-
Servicemen/ Son of War Widow/
Son of Widow.
02 02 01
Adopted son/ son-in-law
(if she has no son) of a
War Widows of Army.
02 01
Outstanding Sportsmen 02 05

6.  Education Qualifications Mharasthra Army Bharti 

(a) Soldier GD: 10th pass/High School/SSLC/Matric with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. No percentage considered in case candidate has passed with higher qualification ie Intermediate or 10+2 and above. However, percentage waiver for candidates having passed in higher qualification is applicable only for the aggregate marks in class 10th but 33% marks in individual subjects is mandatory.

(b) Soldier Technical: 12th pass/10+2/Intermediate/Higher Secondary with Physics Chemistry, math and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject.

(c) Soldier Nursing Assistant: 12th pass/10+2/Intermediate/Higher Secondary with Physics Chemistry, Biology and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject.

(d) Soldier Clerk/SKT: 12th pass/Intermediate/Higher Secondary Exam pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50% in each subject. Should have studied and passed English and Maths/Accts Book Keeping in Class X or Class XII with 40% marks in each subject.

(e) Havildar Education Group X:  MA/MSc/MCA or BA/BSc/BCA / BSc (IT)  with B Ed.

(f) Havildar Education Group Y: BA/BSc/BCA/B Sc (IT) (without B Ed).

(g) Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers): BA/BSc with Maths and must have also passed 12th class(10+2) or equivalent with Maths and Science as main subjects.

(h) Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher: Graduate in any discipline. In addition requisite qualification in his own religious denomination.

7.  Physical Fitness Test (PFT): Following Physical Fitness Test (PFT) are carried out.  Total Marks awarded for PFT is 100 marks:-

(a) 1.6 Km or 1600 Meter or 1 Mile Run. How to Run Click Here

(b) Pull Ups. How to 100% marks in Beam Click Here

(c) Balance.

(d) 9 Feet Ditch.

8. Soldier Category PFT: Timing and Marking for  1.6 Km (1600 Meter or Mile) Run for Soldier General Duty is as under:-

(a) Group I:  Run within 5  Minutes and 30 Seconds –60 Marks

(b) Group II:  From 5 Minutes 45 Seconds – 48 Marks

10. Pull Ups: Number of Pull Ups and Marks awarded is as under:

(a) 10 Pull Ups  – 40 Marks

(b) 9 Pull ups     – 33 Marks

(c)  8 Pull ups    – 27  Marks

(d) 7 Pull ups     – 21 Marks

(e) 6 Pull ups     – 16 Marks

11.   Balance: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.

12.  9 Feet Ditch: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.

Army Recruitment Rally Programme 2024

District to be covered:   Army Open Rally Bharti Jamnagar, Porbander, Rajkot, Amreli, Bhavnagar, Junagarh, Surendranagar, Kutch, Diu, Gir Somnath Botad, Morbi and Devbhumi Dwarka.

Category to be screened: Army Bharti Sol General Duty, Soldier Technical, Soldier Nursing Assistant/NAVT, Soldier Clerk and Soldier Store Keeper Technical and Soldier Tradesmen 10th  and 8th pass.

લશ્કરી રેલી ભરતી જામનગર ભરતી ઓફિસ પ્રોગ્રામ 2024

राजपूताना राइफल्स आर्मी भर्ती प्रोग्राम 2024 – Click here

Assam Rifles Relation Bharti 2024 Click here

AMC Center Lucknow Relation Recruitment Rally- Click here

Arty Center Nasik Army Relation & Sports Bharti Click here

Arty Center Hyderabad Army Relation and Sports Bharti  Click Here

Army Recruitment ARO Ahmedabad 

Award of Bonus Marks NCC Candidates/Computer Course/Sportsmen for All Trade/Category

Agniveer Bonus MarksSoldier
Sol Clk/ SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech(Avn & Amn), Sol NA, Soldier
Son of Servicemen /Son of Ex-Servicemen/
Son of War Widow /Son of Widow
(One Son only)
20 Marks20 Marks20 Marks
National Cadets Corps ‘A’ Certificate 05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks
NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder10 Marks10 Marks10 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate HolderExempted
15 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders who have participated in Republic Day ParadeExempted
Candidates having O+ Level Computer Certificate issued by DOEACC Society15 Marks
(For Clerk/SKT
*Bonus marks for ITI Course/ Skill Qualification in addition to basic education qualification:-
(i) One year course at ITI30 Marks
(ii) Two years course at ITI40 Marks
(iii) Diploma holder50 Marks
(a) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 20 marks even if a candidate
qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks except Agniveer (Technical).
(b) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 50 marks even if a candidate
qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks to Agniveer (Technical).
(i) The above marks are fixed depending upon the eligibility of a candidate and has
no relation to his performance in Common Entrance Examination (CEE).
(ii) Only one type of Bonus Marks (Max of the permissible) will be added to the total.
(iii) Bonus marks will be accorded on qualifying in the written examination.
(iv) Only one ward (daughter/son) of Service/Ex-Servicemen/War Widow/Widow of
Ex-servicemen can avail bonus marks in written examination.
(v) Original Certificates to be carried by all above categories at rally site.
(vi) Sports Certificate are valid for two years from the issue date as on first day of the
recruitment rally for which the candidate is being screened.

Bonus Marks for Outstanding Sportsmen

Indian Army Recruitment Bonus Marks for Sportsmen candidates
Agniveer Sports Bonus MarksAgniveer
Sol Clk/SKT,
Sol Tech, Sol Tech
(Avn & Amn),
Sol NA,
Candidates Represented India at International level20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks
Represented State at the Senior/Junior National level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto eighth position in Team event15 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks
Represented College / University in Inter University Championship and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up to sixth position in the Team event.10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks
Represented State at National Level in Khelo India Games and have won any
medal in individual event or have reached upto sixth position in the team event.
10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks
Represented Dist at the State Level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto fourth position in the Team event.05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks
Represented the State school team in the events org by All India School Games Federation and have won any medal in individual event or position sixth position in the Team event.05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks

Army, Police, Railway Bharti Program 2024

TA Bharti Gujrat 2024

मार्ग दर्शन: भारतीय सेना मे अधिकतर सैनिक ग्रामीण अंचल से सेना मे भर्ती होते हैं, जिनका संबंध खेती किसानी से होता है| ग्रामीण अंचल एवं पिछडे क्षेत्रों मे संसाधनों की कमी के कारण विद्यार्थियों एवं आवेदकों को सही मार्ग दर्शन नही मिल पाता है इस वजह से अभ्यर्थीयों को परेसानी का सामना करना पड़ता है और बार बार असमय सेना भर्ती कार्यालय के चक्कर काटना पड़ता है, आवेदको को सलाह दी जाती है कि सही जानकारी प्राप्त करने के लिए निश्चित कार्य दिवश के समय पर कार्यालय के अधिकारियों से संपर्क करें अथवा सूचना प्राद्योगिकी का सही उपयोग करके सही जानकारी प्राप्त करें और परेसानियों एवं बिचौलियों से बचें|

एआरओ जामनगर आर्मी भर्ती 2024 ऑनलाइन आवेदन

All India Recruitment Jobs Notifications
Relation Rally Bharti/ Sports Rally Bharti UHQ Quota Bharti 2025Click Here
Army Bharti Exam Syllabus 2025Click Here
All Indian Army Bharti Program 2025Click Here
Indian Navy Bharti Program 2025Click Here
Indian Air Force Rally Bharti Programme 2025Click Here
Railway Bharti Program 2025Click Here
UHQ Quota Army Rally Bharti Program 2025Click Here
All State Police Bharti Program 2025Click Here
All State Anganwadi Bharti Program 2025Click Here
All State Safai Karmachari Bharti Program 2025Click Here
अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे एवं अग्निवीर सेवा लाभ 2025Click Here
Home Guard Bharti Programme 2025Click Here
Apprentice Bharti Program 2025Click Here

 All India TA Recruitment Rally Schedule 2024 Click Here


  1. latif bhai
  2. latif bhai
  3. usmangani khakhar
  4. usmangani khakhar
  5. usman gani
    • S. N. Yadav
  6. vishnu
    • S. N. Yadav
  7. Bambhaniya ravi
  8. Mafundisho laxman Raju bhai
  9. parmar sanjay p
  10. Ramani umesh
    • S. N. Yadav
  11. Shekhva gordhan k
    • S. N. Yadav
  12. pruthvisinh k chavda
    • S. N. Yadav
  13. Gosai jignesh
    • S. N. Yadav
  14. Anonymous
  15. Anonymous
  16. Ankit singh
  17. Jadeja Pruthvirajsinh
    • S. N. Yadav
  18. Kumkhaniya Mahendra
    • S. N. Yadav

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