ARO Jammu Agniveer Bharti Schedule 2025
ARO Jammu Agniveer Army Recruitment Rally Date: ARO Jammu Agniveer Army Recruitment Rally Bharti for Agniveer Rally Jammu, Kathua, Poonch, Udhampur, Doda, Rajouri, Samba, Ramban, Reasi and Kistwar District under the area of Army Recruiting Office Jammu of J &K State. Date of Agniveer Online registration/ online application Agniveer army rally bharti ARO Jammu. ARO Jammu Agniveer rally bharti physical, height, chest, weight, age, qualification, pft, pst, medical, written exam, army bharti chart 2025. ARO Jammu Agniveer recruitment army bharti rally date and latest notification details given below.
Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Date 2025 ARO Jammu
ARO Jammu Agniveer Rally Program 2025: Online application for Agniveer GD, Agineer Women GD, Agniveer Technical, Agniveer Office Assistant, Agniveer Tdn, Sepoy Pharma and Solider Nursing Assistant Rally Program will be as under:-
अग्निवीर सेना भर्ती ARO जम्मू 2025: सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू के अंतर्गत आने वाले जिला के प्रत्येक वर्ग के महिला एवं पुरुष को भारतीय सेना में (अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे) के द्वारा भर्ती होने का सुनहरा अवसर आ गया है। नयी सेना भर्ती प्रक्रिया के नियम के अनुसार भारतीय सेना में अग्निवीरों के सेवा 04 वर्ष के लिए होगी। सेवा निवृत्ति के बाद भूतपूर्व अग्निवीर सैनिकों को केंद्रीय पुलिस बल, स्टेट पुलिस, अन्य क्रेन्द्र एवं राज्य सरकार की नौकरियों में आरक्षण के साथ साथ गैर सरकारी नौकरियों में प्राथमिकता का प्रावधान होगा।
Eligibility Criteria Agniveer Recruitment Indian Army 2025
Education Qualification
Education Qualification Agniveer Rally Bharti ARO Jammu: Category wise education qualification for technical/ non technical candidates for Agniveer Soldier GD, Agniveer Soldier Clerk/ SKT, Agniveer Soldier NA, Agniveer Soldier Tdn, Agniveer Sepoy Pharma, Agniveer JCO RT, Agniveer Surveyor posts are given as under:-
Agniveer Education Qualification Eligibility Criteria 2025
अग्निवीर Army Soldier Category | Required Education Qualification |
Agniveer Army Bharti Age | 17 ½ to 21 Years |
आर्मी अग्निवीर सामान्य ड्यूटी योग्यता | हाई स्कूल /एस एस एल सी /मेट्रिक/ दसवीं के प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 33% अंक और कुल 45% अंक से पास होना चाहिए। यदि आवेदक ने दसवीं कक्षा में ग्रेडिंग प्रणाली वाले बोर्ड से किया है तो प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम डी ग्रेड (33-40) और कुल अंक 45% या C-2 या 4.75 पोइंट होने चाहिए। यदि अभ्यर्थी उच्च शिक्षा जैसे 10+2 और इसके ऊपर रखता है, तो प्रतिशत की बाध्यता नहीं है, जबकि प्रत्येक विषय में 33 % अंक होना अनिवार्य है। सूचना: वैध लाइट मोटर वाहन (एलएमवी) ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस वाले उम्मीदवारों को ड्राइवर भर्ती के लिए प्राथमिकता दी जाएगी। |
Agniveer Army GD Required Qualification | Class 10th/Matric/ High School pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. For Boards following grading system minimum of D Grade (33-40) in individual subjects or grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate of C2 grade. Notic: Candidates with valid Light Motor Vehicle (LMV) Driving License will be given preference for Driver recruitment.Read more.... |
NOTE | जिन उम्मीदवारों के पास वैध ड्राइविंग लाइसेंस लाइट मोटर व्हीकल (LMV) का है, उन्हें अग्निवीर जीडी ड्राइवर भर्ती के लिए वरीयता दी जाएगी। |
अग्निवीर सैनिक तकनीकी | 10+2/इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा विज्ञान में भौतिकी, रसायन, गणित और अंग्रेजी विषयों के साथ कुल योग 50% और प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 40 अंक होना चाहिए। |
Angniveer Technical | 10+2/Intermediate Exam Pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject. Read More..... Full Job Information about 20 technical category/ trades - Click Here OR 10th/Matric pass with 50% in aggregate and min 40% in English, Maths and Science with 02 yrs of Tech Training from ITI or two/three yrs Diploma in following streams only:- OR 10+2 / intermediate exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths & English from any recognized State Education Board or Central Education Board to include NIOS and ITI course of minimum one year in required field with NSQF level 4 or above. |
अग्निवीर सैनिक तकनीकी विमानन एवं आयुध | 10+2/इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा विज्ञानं में भौतिकी, रसायन, गणित और अंग्रेजी विषयों के साथ कुल योग 50% और प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 40 अंक होना चाहिए। |
Agniveer Technical (Aviation & Ammunition) | 10+2/Intermediate Exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Maths and English with Minimum 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject. Read More ..... |
सैनिक नर्सिंग सहायक और सैनिक नॉर्सिंग सहायक वेटरनरी | विज्ञानं में भौतिकी, रसायन-विज्ञानं, जीव-विज्ञानं एवं अंग्रेजी विषयों के साथ 10 +2 /इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा उत्तीर्ण की हो, जिसमे कुल मिलकर कम से कम 50% अंक और प्रत्येक विषा में कम से कम 40% अंक हासिल किये हों। |
Soldier NA & Sol NA (Vet) | 10+2/Intermediate pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English with minimum 50% marks in aggregate and minimum 40% marks in each subject. Read More..... |
कार्यालय सहायक/ लिपिक/ एस के टी | 10 + 2 / हायर सेकेंडरी सर्टीफिकेट / इंटरमीडिएट परीक्षा किसी भी स्ट्रीम (कला, वाणिज्य, विज्ञान) में 60% अंकों के कुल योग के साथ एवं प्रत्येक विषय में न्यूनतम 50% अंकों के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना अनिवार्य है। आवेदक के लिए 12 वीं कक्षा में अंग्रेजी और गणित या एकाउंट्स या बुक कीपिंग विषय में 50% अंक के साथ पास होना आवश्यक है। टाइपिंग टेस्ट: भारतीय सेना में अग्निवीर क्लर्क एवं स्टोर कीपर भर्ती के लिए वर्ष 2025 से टाइपिंग टेस्ट की परीक्षा ऑनलाइन परीक्षा के साथ कराई जाएगी। आर्मी में क्लर्क और स्टोर कीपर भर्ती होने वाले उम्मीदवारों को सलाह दी जाती है कि सामान्य प्रवेश परीक्षा से पहले अपनी प्रैक्टिस जरूर कर लें। |
Office Assistant/ Clerk | 10+2/ Intermediate Exam pass in any stream (Arts, Commerce, Science) with 60% marks in aggregate and minimum 50 % in each subject. Securing 50% in English and Maths / Accounts/Book keeping in Class 12th is mandatory.Read More..... |
Agniveer सैनिक ट्रेड्समैन दसवीं पास | आवेदक को हाई स्कूल /एस एस एल सी /मेट्रिक/ दसवीं के प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 33% अंक के साथ से पास होना चाहिए। (साईस मेस कीपर, और हाउस कीपर को छोड़कर) |
Agniveer Tdn 10th pass | (a) 10th Simple Pass. (b) No stipulation in aggregate percentage but should have scored minimum 33% in each subject. (except Syce, Mess Keeper and House Keeper, who may be 8th pass). Read More..... |
अग्निवीर सैनिक ट्रेड्समैन 8वीं पास | आवेदक को आठवीं कक्षा के प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 33% अंक के साथ से पास होना चाहिए। (साईस, मेस कीपर, और हाउस कीपर के लिए) अधिक जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें |
Agniveer Tdn 8th pass | (a) Class 8th Simple Pass (for Syce, House Keeper & Mess Keeper). (b) No stipulation in aggregate percentage but should have scored min 33% in each subject. Read More..... |
JCO धर्म शिक्षक | पंडित, मौलिवी, ग्रंथी, बौद्ध मॉन्क एवं पादरी के लिए आवेदक को धर्म शिक्षा का अनुसार स्नातक होना चाहिए। इसके अतिरिक्त अपने स्वयं के धार्मिक मजहब मे अपेक्षित योग्यता होनी चाहिए। |
RT JCO Indian Army | Graduate in any discipline. In addition requisite qualification in his own religious denomination. Read More..... |
सैनिक फार्मा | 10+2 इंटरमीडिएट या समकक्ष परीक्षा विज्ञान में भौतिकी, रसायन विज्ञान, जीव विज्ञान और अंग्रेजी के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए और कस से कम 55% अंकों के साथ डी फार्मा में उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए एवं अभ्यर्थी को बी फार्मा में न्यूनतम 50% अंकों के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। इंस्टीट्यूट को स्टेट फार्मास्यूटिकल काउंसिल / फार्मेसी काउंसिल ऑफ इंडिया के साथ पंजीकृत होना आवश्यक है। |
Sepoy Pharma | 10+2 or equivalent exam pass in Science with Physics, Chemistry, Biology and English. Qualified in D Pharma with min 55% marks in aggregate and registered with State Pharmaceutical Council / Pharmacy Council of India. Read More..... |
सर्वेयर हवलदार | उम्मीदवार को मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय/शिक्षा बोर्ड द्वारा मैथमेटिक्स (गणित) के साथ बीए / बीकॉम / बी एससी / BE / बीटेक डिग्री होना चाहिए तथा 12 वीं कक्षा (10 + 2) में भौतिक विज्ञान, रसायन विज्ञान और गणित मुख्य विषय के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना आवश्यक है। |
Surveyor Hav SAC | BA/ BSc with Maths and must have also passed 12th class(10+2) or equivalent with Maths and Science as main subjects. Read More..... |
जे सी ओ कैटरिंग | आवेदक को 10 +2 / इंटरमीडिएट की परीक्षा पास होने के साथ साथ कुकरी / होटल प्रबंधन और प्रौद्योगिकी में एक वर्ष की अवधि या उससे अधिक का मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय के खाद्य शिल्प संस्थान से डिप्लोमा / सर्टिफिकेट कोर्स आवश्यक है। |
Catering JCO | Intermediate/HSC/10+2 with diploma /certificate course of a duration of year or more in cookery /hotel management and technology from a recognised university food craft institute. Read More..... |
प्रादेशिक सेना | हाई स्कूल /एस एस एल सी /मेट्रिक/ दसवीं के प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 33% अंक और कुल 45% अंक से पास होना चाहिए। यदि आवेदक ने दसवीं कक्षा में ग्रेडिंग प्रणाली वाले बोर्ड से किया है तो प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम डी ग्रेड (33-40) और कुल अंक 45% या C-2 या 4.75 पोइंट होने चाहिए। यदि अभ्यर्थी उच्च शिक्षा जैसे 10+2 और इसके ऊपर रखता है, तो प्रतिशत की बाध्यता नहीं है, जबकि प्रत्येक विषय में 33 % अंक होना अनिवार्य है। TA Rally 2025 - Click Here |
TA Bharti 2025 | Class 10th/Matric pass with 45% marks in aggregate and 33% in each subject. For Boards following grading system minimum of D Grade (33-40) in individual subjects or grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate of C2 grade. Read More..... |
ARO Jammu Agniveer Army Rally Bharti Program 2025-26
Army Recruitment Rally Programme 2025-26 | Important Dates |
Department | Indian Army |
Vacancy | Agniveer GD Male & Female |
Soldier NA & NA Vet | |
Sepoy Pharma | |
Havildar Education & Hav Surveyor | |
JCO RT & JCO Catering | |
Qualifications | 10th/12th/8th Pass & BA, BSc, MA, MSC |
Starting Date of Online Application | 12 March 2025 |
Closing Date of Application | 10 April 2025 |
Online Application Link | Click Here |
Official Notification for Education Hav | Click Here |
Official Notification for Hav Surveyor | Click Here |
Official Notification for RT JCO | Click Here |
Official Notification for Catering JCO | Click Here |
Official Notification for Agniveer, NA, Women & Sepoy Pharma Recruitment | Click Here |
All India Army Recruitment Rally Programme 2025-26 | Click Here |
Age Limit for Various Trades | Click Here |
Indian Army Recruitment Rally ARO Jammu 2025
Notification ARO Jammu Agniveer Recruitment Rally Join Indian Army: A golden opportunity has come for the men and women of every section of the districts coming under the Army Recruitment Office, Jammu to be recruited in the Indian Army through “अग्निपथ सेना भर्ती योजना 2025” (Tour of Duty). According to the rules of the new army recruitment process, the service of Agniveers in the Indian Army will be for 04 years. After completion AGNIPATH Service, there will be priority for employment under reservation category to Ex AGNIVEER Soldiers in Central Police Force, State Police Force, other Central and State Government jobs and in private sector/ non-government jobs. Jammu Army Recruitment Rally Plan 2025. Agniveer Rally Schedule ARO Jammu 2025.
Agniveer Physical Standard Army Rally Bharti
शारीरिक स्वास्थ्य परीक्षण अग्निवीर आर्मी भर्ती 2025
Agniveer Rally Physical
Agniveer Army Bharti Age, Height, Weight, Chest, Physical Standard | |||
Agniveer Trade/Category | Height in cms | Chest in cm | Weight in kg |
ST Candidates Height, Chest, Weight for Agniveer GD, Tech, NA, Tdn & all category | 162 | 77/82 | 48 |
Agniveer GD | 163 | 77/82 | 50 |
Agniveer Tech | 163 | 76/81 | 50 |
Agniveer Army Tradesman | 163 | 76/81 | 48 |
Agniveer Army Clerk | 162 | 77/82 | 50 |
Agniveer Army Tech NA | 163 | 76/81 | 50 |
Agniveer Army Sepoy Pharma | 163 | 77/82 | 50 |
Agniveer Army TA Army | 160 | 77/82 | 50 |
District wise BRO Jammu Army Open Rally Bharti Program 2025
Army Rally Bharti Program Jammu ARO | ||
Doda | Kishtwar | Kathua |
Jammu | Poonch | Rajouri |
Ramban | Reasi | Samba |
Udhampur | Soldier Selection Procedure | Exam Syllabus Army CEE |
Jammu Army Bharti Agniveer Post Vacancy Details:
- Agniveer General Duty (Sol GD)
- Agniveer Tradesman (all arms)
- Agniveer Clerk/SKT (all arms)
- Agniveer Technical (all arms)
- Agniveer Tech (Avn & Amn)
- Religious Teacher(RT JCO)
- Tech Dresser(RVC)
- Nursing Assistant (AMC)
- Sepoy Pharma in AMC
- JCO Catering (ASC)
- Hav (SAC) Engrs
Agniveer Selection Procedure: ARO Jammu Army Recruitment Rally Bharti, Indian army Agniveer selection Process for soldier is as under:-
- Submission of online application/registration.
- Download army rally admit card.
- Physical fitness test (PFT).
- Physical measurement test (PMT).
- Checking of documents.
- Army bharti medical test.
- Review of medical unfit candidates.
- Army written examination (CEE).
- Preparation of merit list.
- Declaration of result of written test.
- Final selection for army recruitment and dispatch of candidates to centres for soldier basic training.
Online application/registration ARO Jammu: Candidates are advised to visit Indian army website joinindianarmy. on publication of recruitment rally bharti date ARO Jammu and apply. How to fill up Online Application for army recruitment rally Click here
Army Written Exam ARO Jammu: Army Written Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Exam Subjects, Army Exam Marks, Minus Marking for Written Exam Soldier GD, Soldier SHGD, Soldier, Technical, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk, Soldier Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Tdn details given below:-
Note: Age for Relation Recruitment: Variation up to 366 days in date of birth in Relationship Certificate and Education Certificate is acceptable as minor variation, however, any variation beyond 366 days will be treated as a major variation and candidate will NOT be eligible for enrolment under UHQ Quota. They may however apply through nearest AROs for selection as Open Cat candidates.
Minimum physical height, weight, chest for J&K state army bharti
- Height for Solder GD, Soldier Pharma, Soldier Tradesman, JCO Catering (ASC) / Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers) and Havildar Education category – 163 cm or 1.63 meter.
- Height for Soldier Technical and Soldier Nursing Assistant– 163 centimeter or 1.63 meter.
- Height for Soldier Clerk and Soldier store keeper technical category–162 centimeter or 1.62 meter.
- Height for Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher–160 cm or 1.60 meter.
- Height for TA Bharti for J&K state-160 cm for all candidates.
Weight: Weight for all above categories should be 50 Kg.
Minimum Height Weight Chest for ST Category : height-162 cm, weight-48 kg and chest 77/82 cm
Relaxation in Physical Standard for Indian Army Recruitment Rally
Relaxation in physical standard for candidates in army recruitment | |||
Category | Height (Cms) | Weight (Kgs) | Chest (Cms) |
Son of servicemen/ Son of Ex- Servicemen/ Son of War Widow/ Son of Widow. | 02 | 02 | 01 |
Adopted son/ son-in-law (if she has no son) of a War Widows of Army. | 02 | 02 | 01 |
Outstanding Sportsmen | 02 | 05 | 03 |
शिकायत कक्ष आर्मी रैली भर्ती: उम्मीदवारों की सभी प्रकार की शिकायतों का निराकरण करने के लिए सेना रैली भर्ती स्थल पर शिकायत कक्ष स्थापित किया जाता है। यदि किसी उम्मीदवार को शारीरिक दक्षता, ऊंचाई, छाती, वजन इत्यादि सम्बन्धी या किसी प्रकार भर्ती सम्बंधित शिकायत होती है तो आवेदक ऑफीसर इंचार्ज शिकायत कक्ष के पास जाकर पुनः माप तौल के लिए उसी दिन लिखित अनुरोध करना चाहिए। बाद में किसी भी प्रकार का अनुरोध स्वीकार नहीं किया जायेगा।
Mahila Sainik Army Bharti Program ARO Jammu 2025
Agniveer Women GD Bharti Indian Army Rally 2025
आर्मी भर्ती समाचार - यहाँ क्लिक करें
Starting Date of Online Registration Date awaited
Closing Date of Online Registration Date awaited
Date of Admit Card for CBT Exam Date awaited
Date of Common Entrance Exam Date awaited
Date of PET/ PFT/ PST & Medical Test Date awaited
Source of Information
महिला सैनिक सामान्य ड्यूटी लिखित परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम Click Here
Unmarried Certificate:Candidates who are below 18 years of age will have to bring their parents’ consent certificate. Format of affidavit on Non Judicial stamp paper is attached to this notification.
Physical Fitness Test (PFT): Following Physical Fitness Test (PFT) are carried out. Total Marks awarded for PFT is 100 marks:-
- 1.6 Km or 1600 Meter or 1 Mile Run.
- Pull Ups.
- Balance.
- 9 Feet Ditch.
All Category: Timing and Marking for 1.6 Km (1600 Meter or Mile) Run for Soldier General Duty is as under:-
- Group I : Run within 5 Minutes and 30 Seconds – 60 Marks
- Group II : From 5 Minutes 31 Seconds to 4 Minutes 45 Second-48 Marks
Pull Ups : Number of Pull Ups and Marks awarded is as under:
- 10 Pull Ups – 40 Marks
- 9 Pull ups – 33 Marks
- 8 Pull ups – 27 Marks
- 7 Pull ups – 21 Marks
- 6 Pull ups – 16 Marks
Balance: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.
9 Feet Ditch: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.
Medical Test/Medical Exam Indian Army Bharati: Candidates for Army recruitment bharati found eligible in Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test will have to go through medical examination. Medical Test will be done as per laid down medical standards at the Rally Site. All candidates are advised to visit on Medical Test Preparation Tip for easily success in Medical Test and, you must visit on how medical exam is done? during army medical test of Complete Body also study Army Bharti Medical Test.
Review of Unfit candidates: Unfit candidates will be referred to MH/ CH/ BH for specialist review. Candidates referred for specialist review should present themselves to the nominated MH/CH/BH within 14 days of the referral and report back to ARO Jammu to obtain Admit Card for CEE, in case declared FIT
Download Admit Card ARO Jammu for Army Recruitment Rally Bharti – Click Here
Admit Card Army Written Exam Jammu: Admit Card/Hall Ticket for Written Examination will be issued on completion of PFT, PMT and Medical Test to the candidates. Admit cards for the CEE for the Review Fit cases will be issued at Jammu ARO after getting medically fit by concerned specialist/specialists at MH/ CH/ BH.
PFT Marks & Written Exam Marks Army Rally Bharti: How PFT Marks added in written examination/ final merit list in preparation of army result merit list for Soldier GD, Soldier Tech, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Tradesman for recruitment in the Indian army bharti given below:-
Category | Physical Fitness Test (Total Mks) | COMMON ENTRANCE EXAMINATION (Total Mks) | Aptitude Test | Maximum Marks |
Agniveer GD | 100 | 100 | - | 200 |
Soldier NA | Qualify | 200 | - | 200 |
Agniveer Tech | Qualify | 200 | - | 200 |
Agniveer Clk/SKT | Qualify | 200 | - | 200 |
Agniveer Tdn | 100 | 100 | Aptitude Test for Soldier Musician | 200 |
ARO Jammu written exam syllabus/ topics/subjects/ exam pattern/ minus marking/ passing marks
Agniveer Army Exam Trade | Subject Test | Paper/ Parts | Passing Marks | Total Quest- ions | Marks for Each Ques- tion | Minus Marks for each wrong answer |
Agniveer GD/ SHGD | GK, Gen Science, Maths | One Paper only | 100/35 | 50 | 02 | ½ Mark |
Agniveer Tdn | GK & Maths | One Paper only | 100/32 | 50 | 02 | ½ Mark |
Agniveer Tech | GK, Phy, Chem & Maths | One Paper only | 200/80 | 50 | 04 | 1 Mark |
Agniveer NA | GK, Bio, Chemistry, Physics & Math | One Paper only | 200/80 | 50 | 04 | 1 Mark |
Agniveer SKT (One Paper only) | GK & Gen Awareness, Maths & Cmptr | Part I | 100/40 | 25 | 04 | 1 Mark |
English Language | Part II | 100/40 | 25 | 04 | 1 Mark | |
सभी ग्रुप/श्रेणी के परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम की नवीन जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें |
Written Exam Date and Place Jammu: Written exam of ARO Jammu recruitment rally bharti for Sol GD, Sol Clk/SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech NA and Sol Tdn will be held as per program.
Negative Marking in Army Exam CEE: Indian Army CEE will have negative marking for all category i.e Sol GD, Sol Tech, Sol Clk/SKT, Sol NA and Sol Tdn. The following marking system will be implemented:-
- 2 or 4 marks for every right answer as per category.
- 0.5 negative mark for every wrong answer to GD Cat/Tdn category.
- -1 negative mark for every wrong answer to Sol Tech, Sol NA/ Vet and Sol Clk/SKT cat.
- 0 mark for answer left blank.
Warning: Any candidate found cheating during the written exam will be disqualified.
Merit Indian Army Soldier: Enrolment into the Army will be based purely on the merit list drawn as per instructions and restricted to the extent of available vacancies. More successful completion of screening tests will not confer any right to the candidate to claim enrolment into the Army.
Declaration of Result Indian Army: The result of CEE will be published in Indian Army Website and thereafter the result will be displayed on respective ARO’s/RO (HQ) main office notice board. The dates of collection of call letters will also be displayed on AROs main notice board.
Selection in Special Para Force: Volunteers for Parachute Regiment/ Parachute Special Forces Battalions. Candidates achieving higher physical standards during the screening at the Rally Site have an option to volunteer for the elite Parachute Regiment / Parachute Special Forces Battalions. For Para Selection Click here
Bonus Marks for Outstanding Sportsmen Indian Army Recruitment
Indian Army Recruitment Bonus Marks for Sportsmen candidates | |||
Agniveer Sports Bonus Marks | Agniveer General Duty | Sol Clk/SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech (Avn & Amn), Sol NA, | Soldier Tradesmen |
Candidates Represented India at International level | 20 Marks | 20 Marks | 20 Marks |
Represented State at the Senior/Junior National level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto eighth position in Team event | 15 Marks | 15 Marks | 15 Marks |
Represented College / University in Inter University Championship and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up to sixth position in the Team event. | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Represented State at National Level in Khelo India Games and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto sixth position in the team event. | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
Represented Dist at the State Level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto fourth position in the Team event. | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
Represented the State school team in the events org by All India School Games Federation and have won any medal in individual event or position sixth position in the Team event. | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
Award of Bonus Marks NCC Candidates/Computer Course/Sportsmen for All Trade/Category
Agniveer Bonus Marks | Soldier General Duty | Sol Clk/ SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech(Avn & Amn), Sol NA, | Soldier Tradesmen |
Son of Servicemen /Son of Ex-Servicemen/ Son of War Widow /Son of Widow (One Son only) | 20 Marks | 20 Marks | 20 Marks |
National Cadets Corps ‘A’ Certificate | 05 Marks | 05 Marks | 05 Marks |
NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder | 10 Marks | 10 Marks | 10 Marks |
NCC ‘C’ Certificate Holder | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam | 15 Marks | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam |
NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders who have participated in Republic Day Parade | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam | Exempted from Common Entrance Exam |
Candidates having O+ Level Computer Certificate issued by DOEACC Society | 15 Marks (For Clerk/SKT |
*Bonus marks for ITI Course/ Skill Qualification in addition to basic education qualification:- | |||
(i) One year course at ITI | 30 Marks | ||
(ii) Two years course at ITI | 40 Marks | ||
(iii) Diploma holder | 50 Marks | ||
(a) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 20 marks even if a candidate qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks except Agniveer (Technical). |
(b) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 50 marks even if a candidate qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks to Agniveer (Technical). |
Note | |||
(i) The above marks are fixed depending upon the eligibility of a candidate and has no relation to his performance in Common Entrance Examination (CEE). |
(ii) Only one type of Bonus Marks (Max of the permissible) will be added to the total. | |||
(iii) Bonus marks will be accorded on qualifying in the written examination. | |||
(iv) Only one ward (daughter/son) of Service/Ex-Servicemen/War Widow/Widow of Ex-servicemen can avail bonus marks in written examination. |
(v) Original Certificates to be carried by all above categories at rally site. | |||
(vi) Sports Certificate are valid for two years from the issue date as on first day of the recruitment rally for which the candidate is being screened. |
ARO Jammu Agniveer Recruitment Rally: Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti at ARO Jammu will also for following recruitment as per allotment of vacancies:-
Agniveer Relation Bharti: Relation recruitment rally bharti for son/brother of serving/retired/ ex servicemen of ARO Jammu, Through online application.
Outsider Agniveer Army Bharti: Recruitment of Son/brothers of serving persons who are serving in the area of BRO Jammu through Outsider Sanction.
Agniveer Sports Recruitment Rally Bharti: Sports Army Rally Bharti for Sportsmen recruitment in the Army for candidates of districts under ARO Jammu through online application.
DSC Army Bharti: Re-enrollment into DSC for ex-servicemen will be carried out as per program and vacancies by ARO Jammu. Ex-servicemen are advised to contact for DSC Recruitment Jobs Information. DSC Selection Procedure Click here
TA Recruitment Rally Bharti: TA Recruitment Rally Bharti Jammu of State – CLICK HERE
Important Documents Required for ARO Jammu Army Bharti
Document Required for Indian Army Rally Bharti: Click here for preparation of following army bharati documents. Candidates are required to bring following documents/certificates in original with two attested photocopies with them to the rally site:-
Admit Card: Printed with Laser Printer on good quality paper (Do not shrink the size).
Photograph: Twenty copies of unattested Passport size colour photographs developed on good quality photographic paper in white background not more than three months old. Computer printouts/ photo-shopped photographs will NOT be accepted.
Education Certificate: Education Certificates with marks sheet in original of all educational qualifications achieved by candidate i.e Martic/Intermediate /Graduation etc from recognised School/College/ Board/ University. Provisional/Online education certificate should be certified ink signed by the head of the educational institution of concerned Board/University. Candidates with matric certificates from open school should bring school leaving certificate countersigned by BEO/DEO.
Domicile Certificate: Domicile Certificate with photograph issued by Teshildar/District Magistrate.
Caste Certificate: Caste Certificate affixed with photograph (Maharashtra State does not issue with photograph of the candidate issued by the Tehsildar/District Magistrate).
Religion Certificate: Religion Certificate issued by the Teshildar/SDM (if religion as “SIKH/HINDU/ MUSLIM/CHRISTIAN” is not mentioned in caste certificate.
School Character Certificate: School character certificate issued by the School/College Principal/ headmaster where the candidate last studied.
Character Certificate: Character Certificate with photograph issued by Village Sarpanch/Muncipal Corporation within last six months.
Unmarried Certificate: Unmarried Certificate for candidates less than 21 years of age with photographs issued by village Sarpanch/ Muncipal Corporation within last six months.
Relationship Certificate: SOS/SOEX/SOW/SOWW candidate are required to provide the following documents:-
Relationship certificate: Relationship certificate issued from respective records office only duly signed by records Officer with Personal number, Rank , Name and particular of the records officer issuing the relationship Certificate with office seal/stamp is endorsed. Original Discharge Book of Ex-Serviceman also to be produced, Name and date of birth of the candidate must have been recorded in it.
NCC Certificate: NCC A/B/C certificates and Republic Day Parade certificate should have photograph of the candidate duly attested by issuing authority Provisional NCC A/B/C pass certificates will only be accepted if authenticated by concerned NCC Group Commanders.
Affidavit: Duly signed by candidate on Rs 10/- Non-judicial Stamp paper as per specimen duly attested by notary will be submitted by candidate.
Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & AADHAR Card: Single Bank A/C, PAN Card & Aadhar Card are mandatory documents for final selection for purpose of pay and allowances and other social benefits scheme.
Agniveer Pay and Allowances and other Facilities Army.Click Here
ARO Jammu Helpline Contact Tele No/Postal address:-
Army Recruitment Office Jammu
Dist – Jammu
Agniveer Recruitment Rally Jammu 2025
अग्निवीर भर्ती योजना 2025 | अग्निपथ योजना की विस्तृत जानकारी |
वायुसेना भर्ती प्रोग्राम | Click Here |
अग्निवीर सैलरी एवं आर्थिक पैकेज सम्पूर्ण जानकारी | Click Here |
अग्निवीर कॉर्पस फंड | Click Here |
अग्निवीर आर्मी भर्ती पात्रता (Agniveer Eligibility) | Click Here |
अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे एवं अग्निवीर सेवा लाभ | Click Here |
अग्निपथ सेना भर्ती योजना | Click Here |
अग्निवीर सेना भर्ती प्रोग्राम नोटिफिकेशन | Click Here |
अग्निवीर भर्ती योजना | Click Here |
अग्निवीर भर्ती उम्र सीमा | Click Here |
Agniveer Bharti Helpline Number | Click Here |
अग्निवीर चयन प्रक्रिया | Click Here |
अग्निवीर रैली भर्ती के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें? | Click Here |
इंडियन आर्मी एडमिट कार्ड | Click Here |
Indian Navy Agniveer Pay Scale | Click Here |
इंडियन नेवी भर्ती प्रोग्राम | Click Here |
Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Rally Program (Notification) | Click Here |
IAF Agniveer Bharti for ITI/Diploma/ 10+2 | Click Here |
Jammu Govt & Private Job Notification 2025
Job Trade & Category | Education Qualification Required | Jobs Notifications |
Safaikarmi Bharti Program | Click Here | |
Agniveer Technical Recruitment | 10th, ITI & 12th Pass | Click Here |
Technical & Non Technical Jobs 150000 Jobs | 10th/High School/ Matric/ SSC Pass Jobs | Click Here |
Technical & Non Technical Jobs 12th pass | 12th Pas/ 10+2 Jobs | Click Here |
Technical & Non Technical Jobs 5th pass | 5th Pass Jobs | Click Here |
Technical & Non Technical Jobs 8th pass | 8th Pass Jobs | Click Here |
Anganwadi Recruitment Program | 8th & 10th | Click Here |
Safai Karmchari Bharti | 8th/ 10th | Click Here |
Agniveer Marital Status for army bharti rally: Married persons below 21 years of age will not be eligible for recruitment except in case of real brother of battle casualty who marries widow of the battle casualty. In such cases, required documents will be forwarded to Recruiting Directorate for waiver of the QR by the competent authority. Enrolled candidates who are above 21 yrs of age and married will not ask for any married accommodation or any other allied privileges available to married personnel during the training.
Agnipath/Agniveer Army Rally Jammu 2025
All India Recruitment Jobs Notifications | |
Relation Rally Bharti/ Sports Rally Bharti UHQ Quota Bharti 2025 | Click Here |
Army Bharti Exam Syllabus 2025 | Click Here |
All Indian Army Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
Indian Navy Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
Indian Air Force Rally Bharti Programme 2025 | Click Here |
Railway Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
UHQ Quota Army Rally Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
All State Police Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
All State Anganwadi Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
All State Safai Karmachari Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे एवं अग्निवीर सेवा लाभ 2025 | Click Here |
Home Guard Bharti Programme 2025 | Click Here |
Apprentice Bharti Program 2025 | Click Here |
जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती सामान्य प्रश्न-उत्तर 2025
Type of Question and Answer ARO Jammu Army Rally Bharti 2025
ARO जम्मू Agniveer सेना भर्ती कब है ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी रैली भर्ती जल्द ही आने वाली है।
आर्मी भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू सेना भर्ती के लिए उम्र कितनी होनी चाहिए ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती के लिए आयु 17.5 साल से 42 वर्ष तक है।
सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू भर्ती के लिए कौन आवेदन कर सकता है ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती के लिए जो सभी पात्रता मापदंडों को पूरा करते हैं वो उम्मीदवार आवेदन कर सकते हैं।
क्या महिलाएं भी सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू के लिए आवेदन कर सकती हैं ?
ARO जम्मू की आर्मी भर्ती महिला एवं पुरुष उम्मीदवारों के लिए होती है।
सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू भर्ती की शैक्षणिक योग्यता कितनी है ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती की शैक्षणिक योग्यता 8th, 10th एवं 12th पास है।
सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू भर्ती कौन-कौन ट्रेड की भर्ती होती है ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती में सैनिक सामान्य ड्यूटी, सोल्जर तकनीकी, सोल्जर क्लर्क, सैनिक ट्रेड्समैन, सिपाही डी और बी फॉर्मा की भर्ती होती है।
सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू भर्ती कहाँ होती है ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती प्रवेश पत्र में दिए हुए स्थान पर होती है।
सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू भर्ती के लिए ऑनलाइन आवेदन कब होगा ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती की ऑनलाइन आवेदन की प्रारंभिक तिथि जल्द ही जारी की जाएगी।
सेना भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू भर्ती का प्रवेश पत्र/ एडमिट कार्ड कब आएगा ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती का प्रवेश पत्र आपके रजिस्टर्ड ईमेल आईडी पर भर्ती शुरू होने के 15 दिन पूर्व भेजा जायेगा।
आर्मी भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू सेना भर्ती फिजिकल डेट क्या है ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती फिजिकल टेस्ट आपके प्रवेश पत्र पर लिखित तिथि को होगा।
आर्मी भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू सेना भर्ती लिखित परीक्षा कब होगी ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती लिखित परीक्षा के लिए भर्ती कार्यालय द्वारा अलग से प्रवेश पात्र जारी किया जायेगा।
आर्मी भर्ती कार्यालय जम्मू सेना भर्ती लिखित परीक्षा का रिजल्ट कब आएगा ?
ARO जम्मू आर्मी भर्ती लिखित परीक्षा के रिजल्ट के लिए भारतीय थल सेना की आधिकारिक वेबसाइट पर विजिट कर के देख सकते हैं।
Question: What is the age limit of Indian Army Rally Bharti Soldier Clerk?
Answer: Indian Army Rally Bharti Soldier Clerk Age Limit is 17 to 23 Years.
Question: What is the age limit of Indian Army Rally Bharti Soldier General Duty?
Answer: Indian Army Rally Bharti Soldier General Duty Age Limit is 17 to 21 Years.
Question: What is the educational qualification for ARO Jammu Army Bharti?
Answer: The educational qualification for ARO Jammu Army Bharti should be 8th, 10th and 12th class passed.
Question: What is the date of Jammu Army Rally Recruitment?
Answer: ARO Jammu Army Rally bharti ki tarikh aane vali hai.
Question: Through which website all eligible candidates can apply online?
Answer: All eligible candidates can apply online through website.
ARO Jammu Army Rally Bharti date.
ARO Jammu Recruitment Notification date.
Jammu Online date.
ARO Jammu Admit Card date.
Opening date of sena bharti Jammu date.
Jammu ARO Exam Date.
Medical Date ARO Jammu
ARO Jammu Agniveer Army Recruitment Rally. ARO Jammu Agniveer army bharti date. ARO Jammu Agniveer army recruitment notification. ARO Jammu Agniveer Army Bharti Admit Card, ARO Jammu Agniveer army recruitment rally bharti result. ARO Jammu Agniveer online application for army bharti. Cut off date for age, cut off marks Jammu Agniveer army bharti. Jobs notifications Agniveer Jammu. job notification for age group 16 years to 42 years of age Jammu.
ARO Jammu Army Recruitment Rally Schedule 2025
Punjab, Jammu & Kashmir Army Rally Bharti Physical Fitness Test (PFT), Physical Measurement Test (PMT), Documentation & Medical Test will be conducted at rally site as per program:- | ||||
Host ARO | Army Rally Bharti Date | Trade & Category | District | Place of Rally |
ARO Srinagar | Updating Soon | Soldier GD, Tdn & Office Assistant (Clerk) | Srinagar, Kargil, Leh, Anantnag, Bandipora, Baramulla, Budgam, Ganderbal, Kulgam, Kupwara, Pulwama and Shopian | Baramulla |
ARO Patiala | Updating Soon | Soldier GD, Tdn & Office Assistant (Clerk) | Sangrur, Barnala, Patiala, Mansa and Fatehgarh Sahib | Raja Bhalindra Singh Sports Stadium, Patiala |
ARO Ferozepur | Updating Soon | Soldier GD, Tdn & Office Assistant (Clerk) | Ferozepur, Bhatinda, Muktsar, Faridkot and Fazilka | C PYTE Centre, Ferozpur |
RO HQ Jalandhar | Updating Soon | Soldier GD, Tdn & Office Assistant (Clerk) | Jalandhar, Kapurthala, Hoshiarpur, SBS Nagar (Nawashahar) and Taran Taran | Guru Govind Singh Stadium, Jalandhar |
RO HQ Jalandhar | Updating Soon | Soldier Tech NA, Sepoy Pharma | All District of Punjab & Jammu Kashmir | Guru Govind Singh Stadium, Jalandhar |
RO HQ Jalandhar | Updating Soon | JCO Religious Teacher | All District of Punjab & Jammu Kashmir | Guru Govind Singh Stadium, Jalandhar |
ARO Jammu | Updating Soon | Soldier GD, Tdn & Office Assistant (Clerk) | Jammu, Kathua, Poonch, Udhampur, Doda, Rajouri, Samba, Ramban, Reasi and Kistwar | Jorwar Stadium, Sanjuwan Mil Stn, Jammu |
ARO Jammu | Updating Soon | Women Military Police | All District of Punjab & Jammu Kashmir | Jorwar Stadium, Sanjuwan Mil Stn, Jammu |
ARO Amritsar | Updating Soon | Soldier Tech, NA, Sepoy Pharma | Pathankot, Amritsar and Gurdashpur | Govt College Stadium Gurdashpur |
ARO Ludhiana | Updating Soon | Soldier GD, Tdn & Office Assistant (Clerk) | Moga, Ludhiana, Rupnagar, SAS Nagar (Mohali) | Girls Complex Ludhiana |
UHQ Quota Army Rally 2025 | 2025-2026 | All Trades | Click Here | |
All India Army Rally Bharti Program 2025 | 2025-2026 | All Trades | CLICK HERE | |
Indian Army Official Notification 2025 | 2025-2026 | All Trades | Click Here |
Hello Sunny, wait for army bharti program Jammu.
Sir meri d.o.b 25/3/2002 hai kya Mai gd ka liya apply kar sakta hu
Hello Veer OK you can apply. also check on “navy bharti jankari” for 10+2 SSR Entry
Hlo sir Samba bhrti kab hai pls tell me
Hello Sachin, Please wait for Jammu and Samba notification
Sir meri 7/1/1998 hai kya main GD k liye kr Sakta hu
Sir meri DOB 7/1/1998 hai kya main GD k liye apply
kr Sakta hu sir…..
Hello Shubham, as per DOB you are over age for GD, apply for sol tech or clk or tdn, adhik jankari ke liye “jammu army bharti program” par dekhen.
Sir 10th mn percentage 45%km hai aur 12th pass gd k liye ho skta hai apply
Hello Sunit Singh, Yes you can apply
sir kathua distt ke bharthi kb ha
Hello Sahil, please check on “reasi army bharti program” for more information
Sir jammu ma rally kb hai
Hello Shankar, check on “army bharti program” for latest update
Sir my qualification is 9th pass
My contact number is 9596224280
Hello Aamir, apply for tdn category for which qualification is required 8th pass, check on “sol tdn selection procedure” for more information
I am from kashmir can i get a job in army my
Date of birth is:-11/04/1999
Qualification :-9th passed (mass promotion)
Hello Rashid, OK apply and join
Sir meri
height 165cm h Kya m gd m apply Kar Sakta hu
Hello Gagan, Yes you can apply
hello Amritsar Punjab area se apply ho sakta hai jammu bharti me..
Hello Navneet Singh, only candidates of ARO Jamuu can apply.
When is next Indian Army bharti 2020 in district udhampur
When is next Indian Army bharti 2020 in district udhampur
My phone no is 9595701147
Sorry my phone no is 9596701148
This is my correct number
Hello manjeet singh only candidate of aro jamuu can apply.
my DOB lies between 1999 to 2003 but I am 17yrs and 4 months old. I can apply??
Hello Vishal, iss samay sabhi bharti band hai, aap ko kis zile ki army bharti ka program chahiye, jo bhi help chahiye likho. wish you all the best
Hello Jammu ma army Bharti kab ha 2020 ki plz call me 6005430291 koin info ha send me
Hello Dheeraj, All rally program postponed, Fresh program will be issued during April/May
Hyy u know sir Apko Lagta pm nee acha kiya jo 1 Saal may 1 Barthi ho jab. Jo phale 10 Saal phale sarkar thi uss time toh Saal may 2.3 Barthi aati thi ab Kyu nhi Kyu Kyu Kyu
Hello Sachin, No comments on your question, you may apply and join as per program. Thanks for your comments Mr Choudhary.
hello sir uk wale bhi join kar sakte h j&k bharti
Hello Sarish, No, apply from your ARO
Sir mera right hand pe religious tattoo hai kya main yeh rally attend kr skta Hu ya nhe
Sir mera right hand pe religious tattoo hai kya main rajouri InDiAn ArMy rally attend kr skta hu ya nhe
Hello Manish, टैटू, गोदना, Tattoo: स्थाई गोदना या टैटू सिर्फ बाजू के अंदर के हिस्से (कोहनी के निचले हिस्से से कलाई तक) एवं हथेली के पीछे हिस्से पर ही मान्य है। स्थाई शारीरिक गोदना (टैटू) शरीर के अन्य हिसे पर मान्य नहीं है, एवं उम्मीदवार सेना भर्ती के लिए अयोग्य माना जायेगा तथा भर्ती प्रक्रिया से बंचित कर दिया जायेगा। अनुसूचित जन जाति उम्मीदवार जिनके चेहरे या शरीर पर मौजूदा रीती रिवाजों के अनुसार गोदना बना हुआ है उन्हें चयन प्रक्रिया के लिए अनुमति जाँच पड़ताल के बाद ही दी जाएगी।
I am international gold medalist in karate
National qualified coach in karate
National qualified refree in karate association of India
12 th pass ,now ist yr of B A
Reply me plzz
I am intrested in defence jobs
Main sports quota ma apply kr sakti hu kya rajouri se aur koe benfit milaga sports ka muje
I want to becom a army officer
Hello Zakir, So nice of you, keep it up, wish you all the best.
I had done 12
Hello Zakir, Vartman samay me Indian army, navy, IAF ki sabhi bhartiyan sthagit kar dee gayeen hain. Fresh prorogram ki pratiksha karen ya “Army bharti proram 2020” par search karen, Thanks for your comments
Kathua district k liye vacancies kitni hongi
Hello Rahul, vacancy pahle confirm nahi hoti hai, aap taiyari karen, Thanks
Sir please tall me jo from phala bhara bhara tha
wo chala gya ky
Hello Sandeep, yes vahi chalega. visit on “Sena bharti samachar 2020-2021” for soldier bharti, wish you all the best.
Sir Jammu Bharti Ma Noice. Marcat chal ghaya
Hello, check on “army bharti program”
Sar ji achi vocancy lana please
Sir please aschi vocancy lana
Hello Shubam, please visit on “army bharti samachar 2020-2021” and “Indian Army counseling form” for more information. Wish you all the best.
Sir muje Kya state subject ki jarorot padegi army rally Mei please reply
Sir Jammu puch k lye koi bharti ha agr ha sir to plz. Ya btaye k kab aur khn hogi
Hello sir kya NIOS ke marksheet chale gayi j nahi sir pls sir btana please 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😭
Sir Dec 2020 mai Bharti hogi ki aro jammu wlu ki sir plz give me current information plz tell me sir hum Bhoot Tym sy wait kr rhya hai from bi fill kiya hua our hum side pr visit krta hai Udr bo hi dekhtya hai sb jha blue ink sy likha hua hai our our jo really date hai bo red ink sy likhi hu hai hum Bhoot confuse hai sir k Bharti hogi ki plZ sir Btyo Bharti Hogyi ki nhi
Hello Pall, Bharti date 11-22 Dec 2020, visit again on “ARO Jammu army bharti program” ab date red nahi hai Blue hai, wish you all the best
Sir jammu wlu ki Bharti Dec mai hogi ki nhi plz ay information do sir mai Bhoot Tym sy wait kr rha huu our age bi over ho rhi hai plz sir information do k Dec mai hogi ki nhi
Hello Rajput, Yes Bharti Dec me hogi, check program on “Army bharti samachar” for complete information
Hello pall rajput Sir ma Sourav singh jammu sa
Sir jammu ma 2021 ko bharti kab hogi
Please sir reply me
Sir kashmir mai army rally is saal hogi kya
Sir Abie online form kab sa star hugay Jammu Kai Rajour vali bharti ke liye
Sir mera list bhart hai sir online Side open kar sir Jammu vali Rajour vali bharti ka liye please please please please please please please please sir
sir mai form register ni krpaya tha sir corona ki bjh se ab lgenge
bharthi jammu ki hai ja nahi
Sir I am a girl so may I applied for GD army and I’m also a national player of volleyball so any get profit for me in that rally Sir pls reply me I am waiting for ur reply
6005505602 i am from Kashmir PLZZ call me
Sir army rally hogi kya sep2021 ma please sir reply………………………………………….
Pal rajput sir kya miss ki marksheet chl jati
Hai army bharti mai
Sir please reply me
Pal sir kya nios ki marksheet army bharti
Mai chal jati hai
bahut parashan hu sir please reply me
Pall rajput sir jammu ma 2021 ko bharti
Kab hogi please sir reply me Sir
sir may kashmir say hu plz call me
Are you sure
Hello Kaithitz, please visit on “agniveer army rally bharti program” and apply as per date and your eligibility to join Indian army.