Kashmir Army Bharti 2024 Registration, Admit Card

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Kashmir, Kargil, Leh, Karu Army Bharti 2024:  Army Rally Bharti Online Registration Kargil and Leh at Karu of J&K State. Dear Friends, Army Recruiting Office Srinagar is organizing Army Recruitment Rally at Karu J&K under the aegis of HQ Recruiting Zone Jalandhar (for Punjab and Jamuu & Kashmir states). Detailed instruction for army recruitment rally is given below. Candidate of Kargil and Leh, who wish to join Indian Army May apply online registration from 2024.

Trade/Categories:  Trade and categories for recruitment of Soldier Technical, Soldier Technical (Avn & Amn Examiner), Soldier Nursing Assistant, Soldier General Duty, Soldier Clerk/Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Tradesman Categories. Eligible candidates can apply online only. The official website for online application is www.joinindianarmy.nic.in and same will be opened with effect from 2024.


ARO Srinagar, J & K Army Bharti Soldier Post Vacancy Details:

Soldier Technical (all arms) Bharti

Soldier General Duty (SGD) Bharti

Soldier  Technical NA Bharti

Soldier Tech Dresser Bharti

Soldier Tradesman Bharti

Religious Teacher Bharti

Soldier Clk/SKT Bharti

Sepoy Pharma Bharti

JCO Catering Bharti

Hav (SAC) Bharti

PARA Bharti

DSC Bharti

TA Bharti

Selection Procedure: Srinagar Army Recruitment Rally Bharti, Indian army selection procedure for soldier is as under:-

  • Online application/registration ARO Ssrinagar.
  • Download army rally admit card.
  • Physical fitness test (PFT).
  • Physical measurement test (PMT).
  • Checking of documents.
  • Army bharti medical test.
  • Review of medical unfit candidates.
  • Army written examination (CEE).
  • Preparation of merit list.
  • Declaration of result of written test.
  • Final selection for army recruitment and dispatch of candidates to centres for soldier basic training.

Online application/ registration ARO Srinagar: Candidates are advised to visit Indian army website joinindianarmy. nic.in on publication of recruitment rally bharti date ARO Srinagar and apply. How to fill up  Online Application for army recruitment rally Click here

Army Bharti Srinagar ARO: Army Bharti Program Srinagar, Anantnag, Badgam, Baramulla, Kupwara, Pulwama, Srinagar, Kulgam, Bandipora, Shopian, Ganderbal District Wise Army Bharti Rally at Pattan J&K 2024.

Army Written Exam ARO Srinagar: Army Written Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Exam Subjects, Army Exam Marks, Minus Marking for Written Exam Soldier GD, Soldier SHGD, Soldier, Technical, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk, Soldier Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Tdn details given below:-

for each
Agniveer GD/
GK, Gen
100/355002½ Mark
GK &
100/325002½ Mark
GK, Phy,
Chem &
200/8050041 Mark
GK, Bio,
Physics &
200/8050041 Mark
(One Paper
GK & Gen
& Cmptr
Part I100/4025041 Mark
Part II100/4025041 Mark
सभी ग्रुप/श्रेणी के परीक्षा पाठ्यक्रम की नवीन जानकारी के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें

ARO Srinagar Army Bharti Age Limit

अग्निवीर भर्ती योजना 2025 अग्निपथ योजना की विस्तृत जानकारी
वायुसेना भर्ती प्रोग्राम Click Here
अग्निवीर सैलरी एवं आर्थिक पैकेज सम्पूर्ण जानकारी Click Here
अग्निवीर कॉर्पस फंडClick Here
अग्निवीर आर्मी भर्ती पात्रता (Agniveer Eligibility) Click Here
अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे एवं अग्निवीर सेवा लाभClick Here
अग्निपथ सेना भर्ती योजनाClick Here
अग्निवीर सेना भर्ती प्रोग्राम नोटिफिकेशनClick Here
अग्निवीर भर्ती योजनाClick Here
अग्निवीर भर्ती उम्र सीमाClick Here
Agniveer Bharti Helpline NumberClick Here
अग्निवीर चयन प्रक्रियाClick Here
अग्निवीर रैली भर्ती के लिए आवेदन कैसे करें? Click Here
इंडियन आर्मी एडमिट कार्डClick Here
Indian Navy Agniveer Pay ScaleClick Here
इंडियन नेवी भर्ती प्रोग्रामClick Here
Indian Army Agniveer Recruitment Rally Program (Notification)Click Here
IAF Agniveer Bharti for ITI/Diploma/ 10+2Click Here

ARO Srinagar Army Rally Bharti Program 2024

ARO Srinagar Army Bharti ProgramArmy Rally Date
Date of online registrationAvailable Soon
Date of download admit cardAdmit Card will be sent through e-mail before 15 days of Army Rally
Date army rally bhartiAvailable Soon
Place of RallyWill be intimated later
DistrictLeh & Kargil
Vacancy for army post bhartiSGD, STT, CLK, SNA, TDN
Indian Army SyllabusClick Here
Soldier Selection Process Indian ArmyClick Here
Indian Navy Bharti 2024Click Here
Relation Bharti Program 2024Click Here
विशेष सूचना: COVID-19 (कोरोना वायरस) के कारण भारतीय सेना की भर्ती के कार्यक्रम में बदलाव किया जा सकता है। प्रस्तावित तिथि में बदलाव का नोटिफिकेशन सेना मुख्यालय द्वारा जारी किया जाएगा। अधिक जानकारी के लिए सेना मुख्यालय की वेबसाइट www.joinindianarmy.nic.in पर लॉगऑन करें।

Note: Age  for Relation Recruitment: Variation up to 366 days in date of birth in Relationship Certificate and Education Certificate is acceptable as minor variation, however, any variation beyond 366 days will be treated as a major variation and candidate will NOT be eligible for enrolment under UHQ Quota. They may however apply through nearest AROs for selection as Open Cat candidates.

Minimum physical height, weight, chest for J&K state army bharti

  • Height for Solder GD, Soldier Pharma, Soldier Tradesman, JCO Catering (ASC) / Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers) and Havildar Education category – 163 cm or 1.63 meter.
  • Height for Soldier Technical and Soldier Nursing Assistant– 163 centimeter or 1.63 meter.
  • Height for Soldier Clerk and Soldier store keeper technical category–162 centimeter or 1.62 meter.
  • Height for Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher–160 cm or 1.60 meter.
  • Height for TA Bharti for J&K state-160 cm for all candidates.

Weight: Weight for all above categories should be 50 Kg.

Minimum Height Weight Chest for ST Category: height-162 cm, weight-48 kg and chest 77/82 cm

Relaxation in Physical Standard for Indian Army Recruitment Rally

सेना में भर्ती होने के लिए शारीरिक मानकों में छूटPhysical Standard Relaxation in Army Recruitment


Son of servicemen/ Son of Ex-
Servicemen/ Son of War Widow/
Son of Widow.
02 02 01
Adopted son/ son-in-law
(if she has no son) of a
War Widows of Army.
02 01
Sportsmen who have represented
India at International level, or
State at National level.
02 05
Sportsmen who have represented
District at State level and University
or Regional team at State/ National
level and secured 1st or 2nd position.
02 05 03

शिकायत कक्ष आर्मी रैली भर्ती: उम्मीदवारों की सभी प्रकार की शिकायतों का निराकरण करने के लिए सेना रैली भर्ती स्थल पर शिकायत कक्ष स्थापित किया जाता है। यदि किसी उम्मीदवार को शारीरिक दक्षता, ऊंचाई, छाती, वजन इत्यादि सम्बन्धी या किसी प्रकार भर्ती सम्बंधित शिकायत होती है तो आवेदक ऑफीसर इंचार्ज शिकायत कक्ष के पास जाकर पुनः माप तौल के लिए उसी दिन लिखित अनुरोध करना चाहिए। बाद में किसी भी प्रकार का अनुरोध स्वीकार नहीं किया जायेगा।

Qualifications for Joining Indian Army 

Education Qualification Soldier GD: Minimum Education Qualification for Sol GD category candidates will be High School or Metric or SSLC or 10th Class pass from Education Boards/ recognised Institutions.

  • Percentage of Marks for Sol GD: A candidate must score minimum 33% marks in each subject and 45% in aggregate for recruitment as Soldier General Duty.
  • Additional Subjects: Additional Subjects are not applicable for calculation of percentage in Soldier GD category.
  • Education Boards Grading System: Minimum of D grade (33-40) in individual subjects or grade which contains 33% and overall aggregate of C2 grade (41-50) points is considered eligible for recruitment as Soldier GD with marks stipulation.
  • Higher Qualifications 10+2 Sol GD: Intermediate or 10+2 pass or more qualified candidates need not have 45% marks in High School/ Metric/ SSLC /10th class.

Note:  Vocational Subjects: Candidates with 10+2 Vocational Subjects are not eligible for Soldier Technical & Soldier Clerk/SKT categories. They can apply for Soldier Tradesman / Soldier General Duty if meeting required percentage of marks in Class 10th. Soldier Farma Bharti in AMC  Click here

Education Qualification Soldier Technical: 10+2 / Higher Secondary /Intermediate exam passed in Science with Physics, Chemistry,  Maths and English with 50% marks in aggregate and 40% marks in each subject from Education Boards/ Institutions recognized.

Qualification for Sol Tech (Avn/Amn): Education qualification for Soldier Technical (Aviation/Ammunition Examiner) 10+2/ Intermediate Exam in Science with English, Maths, Physics and Chemistry as compulsory subjects with a minimum 50% marks in aggregate and should have secured minimum 40% marks in each subject


3 Years diploma in Engineering (Mech, Elect, Electronics, Auto Mobiles/ Computer Science from a recognized Polytechnic /Institute).

Education Qualification Sol Clerk/SKT Bharti: Education Qualification required for soldier clerk/ store keeper technical in the army is as under:-

  • Should have secured 50% marks in each subject and 60% marks in aggregate in Class XII.
  • Should have studied English and Maths / Accounts / Book Keeping in Class XII or X and should have secured min 50% marks in each of these subjects, whether it was studied in Class XII or X.
  • Even, if a candidates is a graduate or has a higher qualification, percentage of marks scored in Class XII would be applicable towards his eligibility.
  • Typing Test Sol Clerk:  Typing Test of 10 minutes duration will be administered once phase – II of the Revised Recruitment System is implemented as part of the online computer based examination for Soldier Clerk / Store Keeper Technical / Inventory Management categories (If revised system is implemented).
  • अनिवार्य शैक्षणिक योग्यता:- सैनिक लिपिक (क्लर्क)/स्टोर कीपर: 12वीं या समकक्ष पास (कला,वाणिज्य या विज्ञान विषयो में) कम से कम 60 प्रतिशत अंक और प्रत्येक विषय में कम से कम 50 प्रतिशत अंको के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। (10वीं या 12वीं में अंग्रेजी तथा गणित में कम से कम 50 प्रतिशत अंको के साथ उत्तीर्ण होना चाहिए। यदि प्रार्थी स्नातक या उच्च शिक्षा उत्तीर्ण है तब भी 12वीं के अंकों का प्रतिशत लागू होना अनिवार्य है।
  • Question Paper Clerk: For Clerk category, the entire question paper (all 50 questions) will be attempted on OMR Sheet and no separate subjective answer sheet will be used for English section.
  • Note: Even if a candidate is graduate or has a higher qualification, percentage of marks scored in class 12th would be applicable toward his eligibility.

Education Qualification for Soldier NA: Minimum Education Qualification for soldier nursing assistant and soldier dresser for army recruitment rally bharti is as under:-

  • Minimum 10+2/ Intermediate exam passed in science with Physics, chemistry,  Biology and English from Education Boards/ Institutions recognised for enrolment as compulsory with 40% marks in each subject and a minimum of 50% marks in aggregate.
  • In case of a graduate having BSc Degree (Botany/ Zoology/ Bio Science) and English (Simple Pass) the  stipulation of percentage in class 12th is not mandatory.
  • Additional Subjects are not applicable for calculation of percentage.

Education Qualification Soldier Tradesman: Minimum Education for Sol Tdn 10th Class Pass for chef, Washerman, Dresser, Steward, Tailor, Artisan Wood Work), Artisan (Metallurgy), Support Staff (ER), Artisan Construction) and all other trades 10th simple pass/ ITI Qualification in respective trades. Only candidates who have undertaken class X Board Exam would be considered for 1 EME Army Bharti. Education for Sol Tdn 8th Pass: Minimum Qualification for Soldier Tdn 8th Class Pass for House Keeper, Mess Keeper and Syce.

Soldier Pharma (AMC) Education Qualification: 10+2 or equivalent exam pass in Science with Physics,  Chemistry, Biology and English. Qualified in D Pharma with min 55% marks in aggregate and registered  with State Pharmaceutical Council / Pharmacy Council of India. Candidates qualified in B Pharma with min 50% marks and registered with State Pharmaceutical Council / Pharmacy council of India are also eligible.

Survey Automated Cartographer (Engineers): BA/BSc with Maths and must have also passed 12th class(10+2) or equivalent with Maths and Science as main subjects.

Junior Commissioned Officer Religious Teacher: Graduate in any discipline. In addition requisite qualification in his own religious denomination. JCO RT Selection Procedure- Click Here 

JCO Catering in ASC – Click Here

Pay and Allowances and other Facilities Army. After recruitment a soldier is entitled to get approximately Rs 30,000/- per month as per Seventh Pay Commission and allowances as admissible along with other facilities such as free ration/ ration money, clothing, medical for self and accommodation, Railway warrant for self and dependent, Group Housing Scheme, Army Group Insurance Scheme of Rs 40,00,000/-. The other privileges are fully paid Annual Leave up to a maximum of 60 days, Casual Leave up to a maximum of 30 days, Medical Leave as recommended by Medical authorities and Leave Encashment up to 30 days in a calendar year and maximum 300 days in service. For more information about and allowance Indian Army Click Here

Marital Status for army bharti rally: Married persons below 21 years of age will not be eligible for recruitment except in case of real brother of battle casualty who marries widow of the battle casualty. In such cases, required documents will be forwarded to Recruiting Directorate for waiver of the QR by the competent authority. Enrolled candidates who are above 21 yrs of age and married will not ask for any married accommodation or any other allied privileges available to married personnel during the training.

Unmarried Certificate:Candidates who are below 18 years of age will have to bring their parents’ consent certificate. Format of affidavit on Non Judicial stamp paper is attached to this notification.

Physical Fitness Test (PFT): Following Physical Fitness Test (PFT) are carried out.  Total Marks awarded for PFT is 100 marks:-

  • 1.6 Km or 1600 Meter or 1 Mile Run.
  • Pull Ups.
  • Balance.
  • 9 Feet Ditch.

All Category: Timing and Marking for  1.6 Km (1600 Meter or Mile) Run for Soldier General Duty is as under:-

  • Group I:  Run within 5  Minutes and 30 Seconds – 60 Marks
  • Group II:  From 5 Minutes 31 Seconds to 4 Minutes 45 Second-48 Marks

 Pull Ups: Number of Pull Ups and Marks awarded is as under:

  • 10 Pull Ups  – 40 Marks
  • 9 Pull ups     – 33 Marks
  • 8 Pull ups    – 27  Marks
  • 7 Pull ups     – 21 Marks
  • 6 Pull ups     – 16 Marks

Balance: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.

9 Feet Ditch: No marks are awarded, should be qualified.

Medical Test/Medical Exam Indian Army Bharati: Candidates for army bharti found eligible in Physical Fitness Test, Physical Measurement Test will have to go through medical examination. All candidates are advised to visit on Medical Test Preparation Tip  for easily success in Medical Test and, you must visit on how medical exam is done? during army medical test of Complete Body also study Army Bharti Medical Test.

ARO Srinagar Download Admit Card for Army Recruitment Rally Bharti – Click Here

Admit Card Army Written Exam ARO Srinagar: Admit Card/Hall Ticket for Written Examination will be issued on completion of PFT, PMT and Medical Test to the candidates. Admit Card for Medical Unfit/Review candidates will be issued on receipt of Fitness Certificate from concerned Military Hospital.

PFT Marks & Written Exam Marks Army Rally Bharti: How PFT Marks added in written examination/ final merit list in preparation of army result merit list for Soldier GD, Soldier Tech, Soldier NA, Soldier Clerk/ Store Keeper Technical, Soldier Tradesman for recruitment in the Indian army bharti given below:-

CategoryPhysical Fitness
Test (Total Mks)
(Total Mks)
Aptitude TestMaximum
Agniveer GD
100100Aptitude Test for
Soldier Musician

Written Exam Date and Place Srinagar Bharti: Written exam of Srinagar rally bharti for Sol GD, Sol Clk/SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech NA and Sol Tdn will be held  as per program.

Negative Marking in Army Exam CEE:  Indian Army CEE will have negative marking for all category i.e Sol GD, Sol Tech, Sol Clk/SKT, Sol NA and Sol Tdn. The following marking system will be implemented:-

  • 2/4 marks for every right answer.
  • 0.5 negative mark for every wrong answer to GD Cat/Tdn category.
  • -1 negative mark for every wrong answer to Sol Tech, Sol NA/ Vet and Sol Clk/SKT cat.
  • 0 mark for answer left blank.

Warning:  Any candidate found cheating during the written exam will be disqualified.

Merit Indian Army Soldier:  Enrolment into the Army will be based purely on the merit list drawn as per instructions and restricted to the extent of available vacancies. More successful completion of screening tests will not confer any right to the candidate to claim enrolment into the Army.

Declaration of Result Indian Army:  The result of CEE will be published in Indian Army Website and thereafter the result will be displayed on respective ARO’s main office notice board. The dates of collection of call letters will also be displayed on AROs main notice board. The call up letters will be forwarded to candidates after one week of the declaration of results by registered post if not collected by the successful candidates in a week’s time.

Sports Certificates for Sportsmen Army BhartiClick Here

Selection in Special Para Force: Volunteers for Parachute Regiment/ Parachute Special Forces Battalions. Candidates achieving higher physical standards during the screening at the Rally Site have an option to volunteer for the elite Parachute Regiment / Parachute Special Forces Battalions. For Para Selection Click here 

Bonus Marks for Outstanding Sportsmen Army Recruitment

Indian Army Recruitment Bonus Marks for Sportsmen candidates
Agniveer Sports Bonus MarksAgniveer
Sol Clk/SKT,
Sol Tech, Sol Tech
(Avn & Amn),
Sol NA,
Candidates Represented India at International level20 Marks 20 Marks 20 Marks
Represented State at the Senior/Junior National level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto eighth position in Team event15 Marks 15 Marks 15 Marks
Represented College / University in Inter University Championship and have won any medal in individual event or have reached up to sixth position in the Team event.10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks
Represented State at National Level in Khelo India Games and have won any
medal in individual event or have reached upto sixth position in the team event.
10 Marks 10 Marks 10 Marks
Represented Dist at the State Level and have won any medal in individual event or have reached upto fourth position in the Team event.05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks
Represented the State school team in the events org by All India School Games Federation and have won any medal in individual event or position sixth position in the Team event.05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks

Award of Bonus Marks NCC Candidates/Computer Course/Sportsmen for All Trade/Category

Agniveer Bonus MarksSoldier
Sol Clk/ SKT, Sol Tech, Sol Tech(Avn & Amn), Sol NA, Soldier
Son of Servicemen /Son of Ex-Servicemen/
Son of War Widow /Son of Widow
(One Son only)
20 Marks20 Marks20 Marks
National Cadets Corps ‘A’ Certificate 05 Marks05 Marks05 Marks
NCC ‘B’ Certificate Holder10 Marks10 Marks10 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate HolderExempted
15 Marks
NCC ‘C’ Certificate holders who have participated in Republic Day ParadeExempted
Candidates having O+ Level Computer Certificate issued by DOEACC Society15 Marks
(For Clerk/SKT
*Bonus marks for ITI Course/ Skill Qualification in addition to basic education qualification:-
(i) One year course at ITI30 Marks
(ii) Two years course at ITI40 Marks
(iii) Diploma holder50 Marks
(a) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 20 marks even if a candidate
qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks except Agniveer (Technical).
(b) Maximum bonus marks that can be given is 50 marks even if a candidate
qualifies for more than one type of bonus marks to Agniveer (Technical).
(i) The above marks are fixed depending upon the eligibility of a candidate and has
no relation to his performance in Common Entrance Examination (CEE).
(ii) Only one type of Bonus Marks (Max of the permissible) will be added to the total.
(iii) Bonus marks will be accorded on qualifying in the written examination.
(iv) Only one ward (daughter/son) of Service/Ex-Servicemen/War Widow/Widow of
Ex-servicemen can avail bonus marks in written examination.
(v) Original Certificates to be carried by all above categories at rally site.
(vi) Sports Certificate are valid for two years from the issue date as on first day of the
recruitment rally for which the candidate is being screened.


Pay & Allce JCOs/OR Starting Basic Pay, Military Service Pay, DA and Other Allowance
RankBasic PayMilitary
Service Pay
Agniveer Salary30000/- to 40000/- pmFor Full Details Click Here 40000/- pm
Sepoy Salary 21,700.005,200.0026,900+DA+
Other Allowances
Naik Salary 25,500.005,200.0030,700+DA+
Other Allowances
Havildar Salary 29,200.005,200.0034,400+DA+
Other Allowances
Naib Subedar Salary 35,400.005,200.0040,600+DA+
Other Allowances
Subedar Salary 44,900.005,200.0050,100+DA+
Other Allowances
Subedar Major Salary 47,600.005,200.0052,800+DA+
Other Allowances
Pay and Allowance Commissioned Ranks
(Lt) Salary
56,100 to 1,77,50015,500+DA+Other
(Capt) Salary
61,300 to 1,93,90015,500+DA+Other
Major(Maj) Salary 69,400 to 2,07,20015,500+DA+Other
(Lt Col) Salary
1,21,200 to 2,1240015,500+DA+Other
Colonel &
Colonel (TS)
(Col) Salary
1,30,600 to 2, 15,90015,500+DA+Other
(Brig) Salary
1,39,600 to 2,17,60015,500+DA+Other
Major General
(Maj Gen) Salary
1,44,200 to 2,18,200-+DA+Other
Lieutenant General
(Lt Gen) HAG Scale
1, 82, 200 to 2,24,100-+DA+Other
Lt Gen
2,05,400 to 2,24,400-+DA+Other
VCOAS/Army Cdr/
Lt Gen(NFSG)
COAS Salary

List of Sports/Games for Sportsmen Bharti in Indian Army

डायरेक्ट हवालदार के लिए डायरेक्ट नायब सूबेदार के लिए
एथलेटिक्स ट्रैक सहित और फील्ड स्पर्धाओंएथलेटिक्स (ट्रैक सहित और फील्ड स्पर्धाएं, मैराथन और क्रॉस कंट्री)
तीरंदाजी (Archery)तीरंदाजी (Archery)
बास्केटबॉल मुक्केबाजी
मुक्केबाजी क्रिकेट
क्रिकेट सायक्लिंग
सायक्लिंग फुटबॉल
घुड़सवारी के खेल फेन्सिंग
फुटबॉल जिमनास्टिक्स
फेंसिंग गोल्फ
जिमनास्टिक्स सहित बॉडी बिल्डिंग हॉकी
गोल्फ हैंडबाल
हॉकी जूडो
हैंडबाल कबड्डी
जूडो क्याकिंग व कैनोइंग
कबड्डी कराटे
कायाकिंग और कैनोइंग रोइंग
कराटे तैराकी
रोइंग शूटिंग
तैराकी, गोताखोरी और पोलो स्क्वाश
स्क्वैश सेलिंग और नौकायन
सेलिंग तायक्वोंडो
टेनिस वॉलीबॉल
तायक्वोंडो भारोत्तोलन
वॉलीबॉल कुश्ती

ARO Srinagar Army Recruitment Rally: Indian Army Recruitment Rally Bharti  at ARO Srinagar will also for following recruitment as per allotment of  vacancies:-

Relation Bharti: Relation recruitment rally bharti for son/brother of serving/retired/ ex servicemen of ARO Srinagar, Through online application.

Outsider Army Bharti: Recruitment of Son/brothers of serving/retired persons who are serving in the area of ARO Srinagar through Outsider Sanction.

Army Sports Recruitment Rally Bharti: Sports Army Rally Bharti for Sportsmen recruitment in the Army for candidates of districts under ARO Srinagar through online application.

DSC Army Bharti: Re-enrollment into DSC for ex-servicemen will be carried out as per program and vacancies by ARO Srinagar. Ex-servicemen are advised to contact ARO Srinagar for DSC Recruitment Jobs Information. DSC Selection Procedure Click here

TA Recruitment Rally Bharti J&K: TA Recruitment Rally Bharti of J&K State – CLICK HERE

All India Recruitment Jobs Notifications
Relation Rally Bharti/ Sports Rally Bharti UHQ Quota Bharti 2025Click Here
Army Bharti Exam Syllabus 2025Click Here
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Indian Navy Bharti Program 2025Click Here
Indian Air Force Rally Bharti Programme 2025Click Here
Railway Bharti Program 2025Click Here
UHQ Quota Army Rally Bharti Program 2025Click Here
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अग्निपथ योजना के फायदे एवं अग्निवीर सेवा लाभ 2025Click Here
Home Guard Bharti Programme 2025Click Here
Apprentice Bharti Program 2025Click Here


  1. Bashir
  2. javeid ahmad sheikh
    • S. N. Yadav
  4. Mustafa kamal
  5. Ishfaq gojar.
  6. Irshad bhat
  7. Shahid maqbool dar
  8. Furqan
  9. Anonymous
  10. Mukhtar Ahmad

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